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i have a medium coat 5 month old male koochee imported from Afghanistan. He is currently being broughtup with a cow, a calf and a few goats. Now the problem i am facing is that he does not guard although he has alot of bonding wth the other animals. He rarely barks at night and just keeps on playing with the calf n the goats. The question i want to ask is that is there a specific training for dogs to go throuh or do they guard by instinct? And will he guard the rest of the house aswell or just the animals? how exactly should i put him to guard? help required and will be highly appreciated! moin- -
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I tried to look up koochee in breed profiles and got some other breeds it referenced what is this dog?? I am interested in it's appeareance & performance. -
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Look under [url=http://www.molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=Encyclopedia&op=content&tid=938//url]Afghan Tiger Dog[/url] , then check out the other two (the mountain and desert variety). The former is a direct profile link. -
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Keep in mind that no one here uses any LGD on a real working farm, so the advice you get here is going to be book advice. I suggest you look up a working flockguard list, there are several out there. -
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stopping at nothing to get people to leave this site huh brad??? AGAIN, if you dont like the advice, profiles or members, LEAVE, i mean unles your master will let you. -
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Actually I have real working mini - farm, 5 horses & 40 plus birds & have researched LFGs &best one so far is dob mix with a little german shorthair pointer according to DNA test, she is not even 1/2 dobe and GSP is in mix but the other stuff I figured by appearance ruled out so she has some odd stuff in the mix. The DNA test ruled out close to some likely AKC breeds & she is largely unknown origins. But one hell of a farm dog. -
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[quote=janew]Actually I have real working mini - farm, 5 horses & 40 plus birds & have researched LFGs &best one so far is dob mix with a little german shorthair pointer according to DNA test, she is not even 1/2 dobe and GSP is in mix but the other stuff I figured by appearance ruled out so she has some odd stuff in the mix. The DNA test ruled out close to some likely AKC breeds & she is largely unknown origins. But one hell of a farm dog.[/quote] What types of predators do you have in Rhode Island? -
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I've had trouble with coyotes, fisher cats, raccoons, opossums, other folks dogs,& fox.The occasional bear/bobcat wanders thru my area but never bothered me. The dogs also keep deer, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks and woodchucks out of the garden. They once caught a neighbors pig that got out & held it until I could drag it into a pen & call the neighbor. They are pretty handy & good company as well. -
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[quote=moin]i have a medium coat 5 month old male koochee imported from Afghanistan. He is currently being broughtup with a cow, a calf and a few goats. Now the problem i am facing is that he does not guard although he has alot of bonding wth the other animals. He rarely barks at night and just keeps on playing with the calf n the goats. The question i want to ask is that is there a specific training for dogs to go throuh or do they guard by instinct? And will he guard the rest of the house aswell or just the animals? how exactly should i put him to guard? help required and will be highly appreciated! moin-[/quote] Highly recommended reading is Livestock Protection Dogs, Selection, Care, and Training by Sims and Dawydiak. Description and book reviews are at the link below. http://molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=Amazon&asin=1577790626 The book may be available through [url=http://molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=Amazon&asin=1577790626]Molosser Shop. Click the picture or link[/url] Admin edit: Stacey - I added the pic and the link to molosser shop.
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First, congratulations on your pup. He sounds great. Give him time to mautre and I am sure you will see a huge difference in attitude and guardiness. Stacey is correct, the book she suggested is a great one and has alot of valuable info. I would suggest that you start teaching your dog a few basic commands. Letting him chase or play too rough with the livestock is not good. I use the "Leave It" command with my dogs. Be firm with him. We currently have working for us, Estrela Mountain Dogs, Anatolians, a Tornjak, a Gampr, Akbash, and Karakachan. We will soon be adding a Central Asian Shepherd and an Aidi pup. Good luck with your dog. -
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[quote=Robyn]First, congratulations on your pup. He sounds great. Give him time to mautre and I am sure you will see a huge difference in attitude and guardiness. Stacey is correct, the book she suggested is a great one and has alot of valuable info. I would suggest that you start teaching your dog a few basic commands. Letting him chase or play too rough with the livestock is not good. I use the "Leave It" command with my dogs. Be firm with him. We currently have working for us, Estrela Mountain Dogs, Anatolians, a Tornjak, a Gampr, Akbash, and Karakachan. We will soon be adding a Central Asian Shepherd and an Aidi pup. Good luck with your dog.[/quote]That's a lot of dogflesh lol. :lol: Where are you and how big an operation do you have?