Looking for pup(s)
Hi there,
Florida should have lots of GSD breeders. I wonder if the GSD is the right dog for the job. I little more information about the duties, physical property, owners, general expectation will help us to give you better suggestions. A bully type may the right choice.
How is your CO doing in the Bahamas?
- · Bahamian
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Hi everyone.
Can someone please tell me where can I get:
A)Two pups
b) from working background
c) In America
These pups are not for me but a friend who asked me to help him find a good breed that will protect his family/home. My friend is not too experienced with dogs; that is why I suggested the German Shepard to him.
A breeder that is in Florida would be preferred as these pups will be shipped to the Bahamas.
Thank you.
- · 1234
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German shepherds will be good watch dogs, but unless if you are looking into putting in possibly thousands of dollars to train them they probably won't guard. Meaning they actually probably won't Attack physically if needed. But we need more info. How much time and money does he have? How big of place does he have? Is it fenced? His knowledge and experience? Does he need a dog to guard just against humans or animals as well? Is there a size preference?
- · gsicard
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Hi there,
Florida should have lots of GSD breeders. I wonder if the GSD is the right dog for the job. I little more information about the duties, physical property, owners, general expectation will help us to give you better suggestions. A bully type may the right choice.
How is your CO doing in the Bahamas?
- · Bahamian
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Hi Guys,
My friend's situation(s) are:
- his home sits on a quarter of an acre
- it is fenced in with 7 foot fence (and cemented at the base).
- He wants these pups to protect from HUMAN predators
- His knowledge of dogs is basically he has ad a few through out his life. And all he knows is that the dog needs shelter, food, love, parasite prevention,, and a bath.
- He had a pit bull for about 4 years
- His home consists of him and his wife, along with two daughters
- There is no size preference
- He would like them to be a good family companion also.
- His budget is $500.00-$1000.00 per pup.
If there is any other imformation you need; please let me know.
Thank you.
- · Bahamian
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How is your CO doing in the Bahamas?
My two Co's are doing GREAT. They are now 28 months old. My female just came off heat a week ago and her brother was going NUTS all moth. I am sooooo glad that is over with!
- · desiree
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I think we all love to see photos of your co.
Do you want to share them with us and upload some photos, please?
In my opinion he doesn't need 2 dogs. One dog should be more than enough. The problem is that most dogs that protect are generally not considered to be the best dog for inexperienced pet owners. Based upon your description he would do well to open up his budget for one dog and to have training for this dog. Basically this will cost more than what his budget is for 2 dogs. Training alone might cost $1500 and upwards. Often a dog from a ethical breeder will be over $1500. Shipping might be over $300.