My friend's Bakharwal puppy.. :D
cute pup arun. nice to see you around here again.
- · bright
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.. in the below pics, he is 7 - 8 months old, already showing good guardian skills!! :D
He is a Bakharwal dog, the rarest type of Himalayan Guardians (pure type is very close to extinction), a little lupoid and slim compared to other types, but the most ferocious type of Himalayan Guardian dogs (as it is Himalayan guardians are extremely aggressive guardians.. lol).. he is owned by Mr Gagandeep in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.. this puppy was brought directly from the tribesmen!! lucky guy.. ;)
- · unknown
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cute pup arun. nice to see you around here again. -
- · unknown
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WoooooW so cute this puppy, I want one too. How large do they get? Keep the pics coming. -
- · unknown
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Nice looking dog, thank you for sharing. -
- · unknown
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How big can he be expected in the end? -
- · unknown
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Thank U bright. R they closely related to TMs? -
- · troy
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bvlgari, why do you need to post in every thread. i guess we have a new hero in town.oh btw when will we see your counter pic of soldiermonkey. we all waiting. i wish to have a piece of it if you look good -
- · bright
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[quote1316887248=BVLGARI] Thank U bright. R they closely related to TMs? [/quote1316887248] ya.. they are.. -
- · realname
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These are fantastic dogs!! -
- · unknown
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[quote1316920043=troy] bvlgari, why do you need to post in every thread. i guess we have a new hero in town.oh btw when will we see your counter pic of soldiermonkey. we all waiting. i wish to have a piece of it if you look good [/quote1316920043] Sir I want to post in every thread where I just want to post. Bright has showed a cute puppy, so it is just normal to post here. @ Bright keep the pics coming! I appreciate it. P.S. Sir, please don't hijack Bright's thread. -
- · unknown
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I am glad this nice thread has been cleaned, it was disrespectful to bright. I hope U teach us more about these dogs and keep the pics coming. Thank U bright! -
- · bright
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[quote1316968303=realname] These are fantastic dogs!! [/quote1316968303] thank you.. :) -
- · unknown
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R they always black? I am asking because most european LGDs are white or white with marks in black, grey or fawn -
- · unknown
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I guess the black & tan they have,because they r related to dogs from Greece. Alexander the Great and his armies were accompanied by Greek Molossers and for sure they mingled with local Indian dogs. -
- · bright
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well, had this question been put across without hidden intentions, I would have answered it.. anyways, what do you think?? -
- · unknown
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[quote1317094849=bright] well, had this question been put across without hidden intentions, I would have answered it.. anyways, what do you think?? [/quote1317094849] I think they r related. I think Alexander the Great brought dogs with him and his armies to India and his armies brought some dogs back home to Greece. So both LGD types influenced each other. It was not one-sided, this would be my answer! Nothing hidden. What do U think about it Sir? IMHO both countries had LGD types before and they influenced each other. All in all we can only guess. Bye BVLGARI -
- · unknown
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[quote1317122693=BVLGARI] [quote1317076382=bright] mostly black n tan and black.. and other colors can be found too.. [/quote1317076382] I guess the black & tan they have,because they r related to dogs from Greece. Alexander the Great and his armies were accompanied by Greek Molossers and for sure they mingled with local Indian dogs. [/quote1317122693] You are wrong. Very very wrong. Appallingly wrong. Black and tan was already in local Indian dogs. -
- · unknown
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Thank U very much for clarification. Then Black & Tan seems to be part of many breeds even without being related. Thank U again. -
- · davidfitness83
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why dont you invest more time in meeting real dogs or perhaps owning a dog before making these hilarious comments? This isn't a history class so nobody cares what you read in a book, why dont you get out there and meet dogs. Maybe you can own a molosser and actually use your own dog for your own avatar instead of stealing someone else's image? Because people like you stealing images is why good dogmen don't even post anything online, they don't want people stealing their images or info shame on you. -
- · unknown
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I meat a real dog a few times a week when I visit my parents. It is always great and rewarding.:) -
- · davidfitness83
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[quote1317128100=BVLGARI] I meat a real dog a few times a week when I visit my parents. It is always great and rewarding.:) [/quote1317128100] You have no ground to speak about molosser breeds. Nobody cares if you read tales on a coloring book or a history book. I kept my mouth shut but you are extremely disrespectful and you are ruining this site. Why dont you sit back and listen to people instead of spewing nonsense? can only take you so far in the dog forums and you are really making a fool of your self. -
- · unknown
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Please Sir, don't attack me. Especially now that everything is so peaceful again here on MolosserDogs! Please don't attack me neither for the colour speculation I had, nor for my avatar. I also don't attack U because U posted a dog fighting video here a few weeks ago. That was very cruel and disrespectful. -
- · davidfitness83
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I never posted anything of that sort lol I am not attacking you I am talking some sense into you. You dont need to make up stories to make me look bad man or lady. Just stop posting for a while, read a little, keep your mouth shut and get a Molosser and then ask questions. I have a great kennel where you can get a good working dog check it out :) you can also get a history book to go along with it and you are set. -
- · davidfitness83
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Also stop using people's property as your avatar... -
- · realname
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Why do you answer his BVLGARIPUG post? He provokes us all the time! -
- · troy
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bvl, we dont cook dogs here. so next time before making your stupid comments try using a dictionary and learn how to write the word MEET. what you wrote MEAT means food. -
- · unknown
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[quote1317188919=troy] bvl, we dont cook dogs here. so next time before making your stupid comments try using a dictionary and learn how to write the word MEET. what you wrote MEAT means food. [/quote1317188919] I am sorry Sir, it was a typo. I think such things r not worth being mentioned at all, don't U think so? -
- · unknown
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[quote1317214145=soldiermonkey] Well quite obviously he DID think it was worth mentioning. After all, HE MENTIONED IT. [/quote1317214145] Yes, obviously he did. :) @ bright I like your TM much more than the extrem looking chinese TMs. I guess they were only focused on long hair and big bones. Your dog looks natural. -
- · kennyo
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[quote1317227587=BVLGARI] [quote1317188919=troy] bvl, we dont cook dogs here. so next time before making your stupid comments try using a dictionary and learn how to write the word MEET. what you wrote MEAT means food. [/quote1317188919] I am sorry Sir, it was a typo. I think such things r not worth being mentioned at all, don't U think so? [/quote1317227587] That's funny, cause the other day you made sure to correct a typo I made. How do you spell hypocrite? -
- · unknown
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[quote1317233503=kennyo] [quote1317227587=BVLGARI] [quote1317188919=troy] bvl, we dont cook dogs here. so next time before making your stupid comments try using a dictionary and learn how to write the word MEET. what you wrote MEAT means food. [/quote1317188919] I am sorry Sir, it was a typo. I think such things r not worth being mentioned at all, don't U think so? [/quote1317227587] That's funny, cause the other day you made sure to correct a typo I made. How do you spell hypocrite? [/quote1317233503] R U sure? This would be the opposite of the way I am, so please show me the link Sir. -
- · kennyo
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Here you are.... [quote1317240997=kennyo] What sounds weird about what I said? I could care less what kind of dog it is, that is not my point. Reading comprehension is a problem for you I see. Shelters will label a dog a breed that they feel someone coming into a shelter looking for a PET (not working dog) would be more inclined to take home. 99.9% of the folks walking into a shelter have never heard of a Hellenic Mastiff or Greek Molloser or whatever other "breed" you want to insert there but you can bet they heard of a Great Dane and St. Bernard. How the dog got to the shelter is irrelevant to what kind of dog it is. Most likely, the dog was more than the unprepared owner could handle and gave it up. Unfortunatly that's not too uncommon. What is to say that the person that bought the "Hellenic Mastill" didn't live in the US? Can people from other countries not buy a dog from a breeder outside their own country? Now the question is which "person" are you going to be logged in as to respond? [/quote1317240997] [/quote1316633666] No, reading comprehesion is not a problem for me. Maybe U have a problem with writing, it must be "I couldn't care less" and once again a wink for U. ;) [/quote1317240969] -
- · kennyo
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All in one of your guess the breed threads and was posted on September 21. Open mouth, insert foot please! -
- · unknown
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I have not made a "Guess the breed" thread. U r confusing me with somebody else. -
- · unknown
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But I did not start this thread and if it really was me then I guess it was a reaction after getting attacked. I will check it out later. However "mea culpa" maybe U can say "mea culpa" too. -
- · kennyo
- · But oh yeah, you aren't the same person??? ;-)