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My new pup: Tskaro Hugo

I am happy that you got another pup in your home.  We could not see the photo but look forward to getting to see Hugo grow up with you. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Replies (9)
    • Hi guys,


      Well, I got an addition to my family. His name is Hugo!

      My wife and I went to Miami last week to pick him up. He flew their from Russia on February 7th. And on February 8th, he was home with us in The Bahamas.

      As most of you know; I lost my beloved male Yasha on October 15th, 2015! One of THE saddest days of my life. His sister Sezja has been depressed for a long time and I would say that only within the last few months,  has she been somewhat her self.

      Now, there is no way Hugo can take Yasha's place BUT he has already enriched all of our lives.


      Hugo is a very out going, courageous, determined, and very intelligent little pup. He was born November 27th, 2016.


      • I am happy that you got another pup in your home.  We could not see the photo but look forward to getting to see Hugo grow up with you. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

        • http://s1209.photobucket.com/user/bahamian75/media/IMG_2407.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0

          hi there.. Admin here - when you insert photos from photobucket please use the Direct link.

            • Your dogs look great and they have a very good owner. How do they handle the Bahamian heat?

              In Texas we keep ours in the garage with an ac when it gets up in the 100s

              • Thanks Gary!


                I keep a HUGE kiddie pool in a shaded area all year round for them. On those hot and HUMID days; they spend a lot of time in their pool!


                But other than that, they just chill in my garage during the day. My garage does not have ac like yours but it is a big two car garage that has 12 foot ceilings, and two huge windows (also, one of the garage doors is always open). Thus in the garage is cool and it has good ventilation. 

                During those extremely hot summer days, they spend a lot of time sleeping in the garage and  ONLY come out to  relieve them selves, cool off in the pool, or if a strange vehicle/person come to my house (which is rare).

                But one thing that helped me in finally getting the breed was their ability to adapt. And in my opinion, they have adapted to our summers very well.


                  But one thing that helped me in finally getting the breed was their ability to adapt

                   That is an excellent observation as I also know they adapt easily to their surroundings.

                  • Here s my boy. He is now 5 months old and he is 85lbs.


                    His natural guarding ability is growing every day.

                    I am very happy with him.



                    • Man, it seems as if I need a degree in astro physics to upload these pictures!


                      This pic is Hugo and Sezja running to" check on me" as I am feeding the pits.



                      This pic I took as they were playing catch. At this moment Hugo was jumping to catch Sezja.



                      Hugo reminds me so much of a baby bear in this picture.




                       Hugo was getting ready to run to me in this one.



                      Hugo slowly walking from the front porch.



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