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My pup chomper.......

Pup is very cute. Has a very aware look in his eyes for a four week old pup, don't know if this is normal for your breed. Your bitch is breaking down in the pasterns.
Replies (19)
    • Here is my pup Chomper at 4 weeks old. here he is with his sisters His Father Max, Import from europe, tanakajd szepe uzor His mother beyonce, Just want to know what you guys think...
      • your pup Chomper very nice parents also gorgeous :)
        • thank you glad to see the img codes actually worked.
          • Pup is very cute. Has a very aware look in his eyes for a four week old pup, don't know if this is normal for your breed. Your bitch is breaking down in the pasterns.
            • Isn't my bitch that is just his parents, the pup is mine. The mother is very big she doesn't look it in the pics but the breeder sent me a dvd and she is the 2nd biggest dog in the kennel. Thank you all for your opinion .
              • That's a really cute pup! Poppa is well put together. Any idea what his temperament is like? [quote=isla49]Pup is very cute. Has a very aware look in his eyes for a four week old pup, don't know if this is normal for your breed. Your bitch is breaking down in the pasterns.[/quote] What does that mean?
                • Pasterns are weak and are not supporting the weight of the dog properly, thereby assuming the position you see in the pic. I'd be afraid to see what the pasterns will look like if the dog were to stand up.
                  • No idea of what temperament is like yet. I will be receiving a dvd in the mail after the 6th week and hopefully that will provide more insight. I will be sure to ask the breeder about that in my next email. Is the pasterns something for me to be concerned about? in that picture she was 2 weeks away from birth. And I also noticed his eye for the camera he has some more pics in which he is looking more aware than the other pics. Pup sitting up
                    • If that bitch was mine I'd be concerned. I wouldn't expect her to be able to run or play for a long time. Maybe a pregnancy is very draining on large bitch like that. I'd ask for more pics of her in normal condition. I wouldn't want a dog that was that badly down in the pasterns. When you get your pup don't overfeed, meet it's nutritional needs, grow it slowly and do not over exercise. Sometimes that condition is environmentally caused.
                      • i have seen her on dvd and she moves fine doesnt seem as if she would have problems any playing for a long time.
                        • Your boy sure looks good, seems very aware for such a young pup. Congrats!
                          • Just got some new pics of him at 6 weeks he's getting big, Just two weeks till he comes home. He is getting flown from MI, has anyone ever shipped a puppy and does it have any affect on him? here are some pics,
                            • I had one shipped to me from Idaho a few weeks ago, by truck. Had no affect. The kennels in Idaho had just has a pup shipped to them a few weeks prior, from across the country, by air..... No affect on that one. I would say that as long as it's not a long journy, as in time, then the dog will be fine. If you have a transAtlantic thing going it's another story.
                              • Chomper looks great bella12 and knows how to pose for the camera. His father is also a great looking Dogue. I love this breed :)
                                • unfortunate news, Chomper will not be coming home next week, my cane corso neo mix hurt herself this weekend, took her to the vet and turns out she tore her acl. The breeder was very nice about it and said that we could reserve a pup for her next litter. Its sad but looking forward to our next pup.
                                  • I am sorry about your set back.....Hopefully the dog you currently own will be fine and Chomper finds a nice home. Good luck with your adult dog and better luck next time around-j
                                    • Sorry about missing out on Chomper he looked like a nice pup, also sorry to here about your gals knee: the good news is a good doctor can get her just like new.
                                      • VVVVV
                                        • Sorry about your dog, good luck for next time
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