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Need help.........

Replies (8)
    • I need help finding other pics or information of my dogs cross. She is a neo and cane corso mix. I heard this mix was fairly popular but I have not been able to find any other pictures or information on this breed. Would appreciate if any other people on this site had any other info on this breed.
        • yes bella its a bandog definately... but if its a good dog than thats what counts!!...and should with the cross be a just fine lookin animal...
          • I wouldn't call this dog a bandog unless it was a deliberate cross for strictly working purposes, using tested and proven dogs as parents.
            • technically true wolf...
              • I understand yes I may have worded it incorrectly but not one of you gave any help. Why even post just to be dicks.
                • bella the deal is...with the cross you have...your looking at two reflections originally casted from the same light source...so like wolf said...which ever it ultimately looks like you could safely call it that...in general alot of people buy what they think is this old "pure" bred line of dog...but infact its tainted...for better or worse thats how it goes... your thinkin to much into it...and the answers your looking for are right under your nose :wink:
                  • Thanks for your post soda pop. Just looking for pictures and or information from owners who may have had the same mix.
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