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New member of the family............

more like a ddb/oeb mix, nice dogs those are.
Replies (15)
    • Today we welcomed in a new member of the family. Moes is a english bulldog and bullmastiff mix, I think american bulldog but owner swears he is not. Moes had a sad story he is very thin right now, owner lost his job and could not afford the dog anymore so we decided to take him in. he is a very sweet loveable boy I'am excited to see what he looks like after he gets come meat on him. Will post some more pics but here is one I took with my cell phone
      • more like a ddb/oeb mix, nice dogs those are.
        • ññññññññ
          • owner said about a year and a half
            • He has a very cute face, but looks sad, well for sure he would be bettr very soon, and happy too, this is nice form you to help this dog, is really nice. keep posting new pictures form him.
              • Hes definitely not an AB. He is beautiful and I love the color.
                • [quote=bulltaterbullies]Hes definitely not an AB. He is beautiful and I love the color.[/quote] that pic doesnt really do him justice I will post some pics this weekend.
                  • I didnt mean it in a bad way I just dont think he looks like an AB.
                    • [quote=bulltaterbullies]I didnt mean it in a bad way I just dont think he looks like an AB.[/quote] I didnt think you did in this picture you dont really get a good look at his face and body structure.
                      • maybe not AB maybe not Bullmastiffxenglishbulldog or maybe yes but this is not impotant topic he is your new family member now and he will be your best friend future ı m sure he will be more good and believe me he is to seem very nice good luck with him he is very nice dog
                        • here are some more pics hes put some weight back on .. here he is playing in the snow And playing with my brothers dane
                          • here are some more pics hes put some weight back on .. here he is playing in the snow And playing with my brothers dane
                            • He looks good defiantly got bulldog in him and maybe Dogue de Bordeaux from the color and nose. How tall is he?
                              • Wow! Congrats! That's one of the most beautiful dogs I've ever seen! You're right that the first pic does him no justice. Keep posting pics! As far as his heritage, how knowledgable is his previous owner. I have no idea what went into Moes, but he's not an AKC English Bulldog - AKC Bullmastiff cross. Maybe an American Bulldog - Dogue de Bordeaux cross? So many names, mixes, and fake pedigrees it's easy to make mistakes. He's handsome, though. That's for sure. Best of luck with him. Hope you're all happy together.
                                • he's very short hes shorter than my neo mix so i would say about 24 inches. His previous owner got him from the spca so he wasnt really sure either his paper say mastiff mix and he said the people told him bulldog mastiff mix. He has been a great addition to our family.
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