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next dog

It appears that you are on the right track with your breed selection.  Couple things.

The CO may be too much dog if you don't have a big property and want to introduce new dogs to your place whenever you want.

Kangal - is only DA to dogs that challenge its authority. Remember they have other dogs on the job while working.

GSD & Mal - good dogs but for property protection you want something that is a deterrent just by it size and presence and still can engage.

You did not mention:

Central Asian Ovcharka - milder than CO - will engage - large dog so presence is there.  Similar to Kangal

Serbian Defense Dog - Now that is the dog you want if you can find one.

Cane Corso & Bullmastiff may also work.if you get the right one.


Replies (3)
    • hi guys, so im looking to get another dog in a a couple of years and wanted to just talk about it and get some breed suggestions. The dog I want to get will be used for property guarding. Now dont let this statement upset anyone as im going to be as I already am, a responsible owner with my dog. I want a dog that WILL bite, for those that know me and my personal situation. I can almost guarantee that my next dog will encounter an intruder and when he does, I need the dog to respond accordingly. I want a dog that will naturally bite without training. I plan on training the dog. But I want a dog with enough natural instinct, that if I never trained the dog, he will still bite. Basically, i prefer overly aggressive than not aggressive enough. While I am gone and my wife and kids are home alone I will be relying on this dog to protect my family. Therefore too much is better than not enough.


      All that being said the dogs that I have in mind are either the CO, Kangal, or possibly a GSD or Mallinois. 


      1) CO, from everything that i can gather this dog should do the job great, however I dont like the long fur of the dog and dont want to hassle with the grooming, it can also get very hot where i live as I am in the souther california desert 115 degrees in the summer is common.

      2) Kangal, man i really like this dog, from my understanding its temperament is very similar to the CO, which I like. I also like the dogs build, its a thinner leggier dog wich equals athleticism. What a i dont like about the dog is the its dog aggression. however i dont know the extent of the dogs DA. If its DA is so bad I cannot leave a male and female alone together, or cannot bring another dog of the opposite sex in at anytime, perhaps its not the dog for me. 

      3) GSD/mallionois after getting into the bitework scene and seeing these dogs work, I am quite impressed with them. The GSD seem to do a great job. For the malinois i like the smaller dogs for their speed, the malinois seems like it can also be passed off as a smaller mixed mutt type dog which would help with any breed restrictions or negative stereo types.


      out of all the dogs mentioned.......the kangal is my favorite.



      • I really dont know the extent of the kangals DA. From what I can gather, its supposed to be very DA yet in this video, the kangals dont seem to be very DA at all. Just a bunch of barking. My current dog would have gotten into a fight instantly in this same scenario.



        • It appears that you are on the right track with your breed selection.  Couple things.

          The CO may be too much dog if you don't have a big property and want to introduce new dogs to your place whenever you want.

          Kangal - is only DA to dogs that challenge its authority. Remember they have other dogs on the job while working.

          GSD & Mal - good dogs but for property protection you want something that is a deterrent just by it size and presence and still can engage.

          You did not mention:

          Central Asian Ovcharka - milder than CO - will engage - large dog so presence is there.  Similar to Kangal

          Serbian Defense Dog - Now that is the dog you want if you can find one.

          Cane Corso & Bullmastiff may also work.if you get the right one.


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