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I rather see you spend the extra money on better food than supplements. Concider an upgrade to a holistic large breed puppy kibble like Timber Wolf.
Replies (5)
    • What you think? Is necessary (or not) give a litle supplement of calcio and vitamines to a puppy dog( 3 months),that is eating Hills Large breed?
      • I would say it was not necessary because dryfood has (mostly) the vitamins in it which your puppy needs. Though I am sure the dog will not be harmed if you decide to give him ekstra vitamins and calcio.
        • I rather see you spend the extra money on better food than supplements. Concider an upgrade to a holistic large breed puppy kibble like Timber Wolf.
          • Thanks.I put the same question to one veterinary and he has the same opinion.Dryfood Hill`s Science Plan is enough. But in some occasions I give a little of Cod Liver Oil.
            • Hill's Science Diet is overpiriced garbage food. There are a few other threads here that discuss what makes a good dry dog food. Vets push that crap because almost all of them sell it. Do a little research and pick a well balanced high quality food and you really don't need to add any supplements. Just like Plats said, spend a little more for a good food and you will be just fine.
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