Old time HINKS bullterrier for sale. 18 months
did you get your Bullterriers sold. I am also curious as to where you came by Hinks line.
- · Moin
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Hello guys!
the old time original HINKS are being extinct from Pakistan as people are crossing them with gull dongs and other breeds..
i hear only 60 original HINKS are left in the country
this is one of the finest of them..
in it's rural area it's been fighting with bears, wild boars and other dogs. Guards like a beast... Don't go on its size.
interested ppl may contact me.
- · gsicard
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did you get your Bullterriers sold. I am also curious as to where you came by Hinks line.
- · RGB
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Are they the same as the Gull Terr or Indian Bull Terrier.
Did you import it from Pakistan.