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Old type working boxers

My Boxer in the Photo came from 1930 linesfrom Europe in SthAm but he died and have very few relatives. These ones are rejected by Kennels for having a longer muzzle, a heavier body, and more than 30% of white on the coat.
Replies (9)
    • Is there anyone out the that is trying to return the boxer to its working state circa 1900?? just like the English Bulldog is being slowly returned? There are a lot of health issues with boxers these days and I was just wondering?
      • [quote=NickP]Is there anyone out the that is trying to return the boxer to its working state circa 1900?? just like the English Bulldog is being slowly returned? There are a lot of health issues with boxers these days and I was just wondering?[/quote] I have been moderate the Forum Campeiro Bulldog CB. CB is a new breed too... that have been registry in brazil. CB is one old bloodline from Boxer before 1900 that had raised in south of brazil in cattle milk farm and for butcher's. The imigrants from germany were the responsable for brought and selected these working breed withought boxer standard. Maybe CB are from Bullenbeiser (1800-1900) mix with Modern Boxer (1950-1970) and today E.Bulldog (1990) I also have one male from those special blood . The CB that i owner is one new improvemnt blood line and have 28% of English Bulldog , a kind of new breeding program to build more conformation and refresh old blood of Campeiro.
        • [quote=NickP]Is there anyone out the that is trying to return the boxer to its working state circa 1900?? just like the English Bulldog is being slowly returned? There are a lot of health issues with boxers these days and I was just wondering?[/quote] In Brazil you have also a dog called Dogue Brazileiro a working Dog. The Foundation of these breed is a mix Boxer x Bultterrier . These dogs remenber more the old sylte Bullterrier, than old sytle Boxer in most dogs that i saw.I beleive that Dogue Brazileiro used Boxer just to improve the Bullterrier. The breeder Pedro Dantas was the foundator of these New Breed. The goals is guardian. Kennels: http://br.geocities.com/machariello/ http://www.tasgard.hpg.ig.com.br/indexenglish.htm
          • [quote=NickP]Is there anyone out the that is trying to return the boxer to its working state circa 1900?? just like the English Bulldog is being slowly returned? There are a lot of health issues with boxers these days and I was just wondering?[/quote] The first crossing that i used to produce a Bandog was a boxer x bullterrier x apbt . Those cross was made in 1989 and now i have a good male dog , black , 28 kg , a little Short Face/Underjaw bite with a lot of agility, guardian drives so as very equilibrate with livestock One of my best dog in work today (Redcapo's Zumbi) . Its one defensive bloodline that i will maintained in work to use in some future time to be able to refresh my breed Brazilian BullMastiff (Fila x APBT x Bullmastiff). Redcapo's Zumbi cross is approximately 86 % APBT x 6% Boxer x 4 % Bullterrier x 4% Unknowing (farm mongrel dog) Zumbi is one dog very close to Old Boxer Temper and Conformation from the foundation Boxer Dogs.
            • [quote=NickP]Is there anyone out the that is trying to return the boxer to its working state circa 1900?? just like the English Bulldog is being slowly returned? There are a lot of health issues with boxers these days and I was just wondering?[/quote] Just for your records i puit here some pictures from the most influencial boxer foundations. They have English Bulldog on his blood so as a dog from France (Alt's Flora First) that i beleive was a Old Doguin De Bordeaux from those times. Bosko Imergrun - 24 http://www.molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimagepopup&pid=25120 Meta VD Passenger -30 http://www.molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimage&pos=25121 First Boxer Show . Foundation Boxers in Germany http://www.molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimagepopup&pid=25119 Pedigree Showing the Boxer x Bulldog Influence http://www.molosserdogs.com/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimagepopup&pid=25122">
              • I've also wondered for long about how the excess of exhibitions and companion use have made of Boxers unworkable dogs. But there has been a man that -though he didn't exactly reached his exact purpose- made it a working dog. The boxer main ancestors are not exactcly Olde Tyme Bulldogges but Bullenbaissers, Bra Banter Barenbaissers, and Giant Barenbaissers (all in all the same breed, in English Bull Biting Dog or Bear Biting Dog).These dogs were descendent from old mastiff type European dogs that also came earlier from Asia (Alanos). Todd Trip had first planned to re create the Baren/Bullenbeisser, but the result was a new working breed (pulling dog or Pulldog): The Banter Bulldogge. This dog is used for pulling very heavy containers. Anyways, if you compare it with 1900's Boxers, they are very similar in character, and the Banter Bulldogge -I reckon- resembles the old time Boxer more than the Modern Boxer does. Bye check this out for more info http://www.bulldoginformation.com/banter-bulldogge.html undress_006@yahoo.es
                • My Boxer in the Photo came from 1930 linesfrom Europe in SthAm but he died and have very few relatives. These ones are rejected by Kennels for having a longer muzzle, a heavier body, and more than 30% of white on the coat.
                  • Thanks for the info. I have an American boxer but have a friend who has one from German lines it has so much more bone mass and weighs around 90# where mine resembles more of a pit bull lean look. How do the Banter Bulldogs differ from the Bull Boxers I have heard about? Here is a picture of my boxer she has a long snout also compared with some
                    • [blockquote]Is there anyone out the that is trying to return the boxer to its working state circa 1900??[/blockquote] Well, most of the nowadays boxers (at least european type) can be preety good working dogs if they are in right hands. They do need more training than german shepherds or malinois, but if trained correctly they become great working/protecting dogs.
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