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One of the many reasons I love my Corso. . .

so how does one know that a dog is truly protective and would defend against an attacker? They could look all protective, but when push comes to shove, they could back down. Do Cane Corso's have temperament tests like what they do with Filas? I'm just wondering, because all my dogs (2 Tosas and 1 EB) show protective behaviour, but I have no idea if they would really stand up to an intruder or attacker.
Replies (11)
    • The other night while the wife and I were in bed it was very windy outside. Our Cane Corso Vader was very relaxed and dozing off at the foot of the bed when we heard a bump from downstairs. He jumped up immediately and with me in toe went to inspect. There was nothing out of the ordinary it was just the wind blowing outside. Once we came back into the room he lay down at the end of the bed with his head up staring at the bedroom door. Not satisfied with this vantage point he left the room and went and sat on the landing by the front door and kept watch out the window for almost the entire remainder of the night. He is only nine months old, he is our first Cane Corso and as much as we did know about these dogs it was really something to see how much he wanted to protect us and make sure we were safe. Just thought I would share that with the board as I thought it was a cool story. MM.
      • Wow, today I have been introduced to a Cane named Lestat, and now one named Vader. The Canes are rocking the names! He sounds like a good boy in progress. Give him an extra pat for us :wink:
        • My boy Rocco 8 months(CC) will sleep in the hallway between my son and any intruder...even though he is allowed in my son's room as he got older he likes it there better..the other really cool thing he does is sit at top of steps and watch out the front door side glass. We had a ton of wind a few nights back and my trash cans got all knocked over and he was a woofing and a charging ..he was so into it that I took him outside to see everything was ok. Vader and Rocco sound alike :!:
          • so how does one know that a dog is truly protective and would defend against an attacker? They could look all protective, but when push comes to shove, they could back down. Do Cane Corso's have temperament tests like what they do with Filas? I'm just wondering, because all my dogs (2 Tosas and 1 EB) show protective behaviour, but I have no idea if they would really stand up to an intruder or attacker.
            • Who knows and it is really not a huge concern of mine either. I just thought it was nice how he was so bothered by the wind outside that he lay by the front door to make sure all was well. He is my pet first and foremost I did not get this dog for the sole purpose of protection, just another member of the family. Too be honest, with the back wards pussy laws in Canada if someone came in the house I would rather deal with them so my dog was not put down. MM.
              • ya, i hear you on that, I'm in Ontario too. it's a sad thing when dogs can be put down for protecting their families :cry: We can only hope that nobody will try anything with such a big dog around....
                • Agreeded. Take care and good luck with the Tosa. They are absolutely beautiful dogs. MM.
                  • Thank you :D I really like CC's too, also Dogos. Have you ever been harassed by Animal control or cops who may think your dog is a Pit or mix?
                    • When my dog was really little like 10 or 11 weeks old I had a cop ask me if he was a pit bull. I told him no and then told him about the Cane Corso and he was actually really cool and seemed really interested. That is the only time that has happened. Too be honest I get asked if he is a boxer more then anything else, can't figure that one out as I don't think they look anything alike. MM.
                      • I've had cops ask me a couple times about my Tosas. Once, one of my dogsitters had them in his car, and they had their heads out the back windows and he got pulled over. the cop just wanted to know what they were, but seemed interested and friendly enough. i guess they could look like a Pit x mastiff? when my boy was growing up, people thought he was a hound, i guess because he was long and lanky and his ears seemed a little long for him. thank goodness he grew into his legs and ears :lol:
                        • [quote=tosamama]so how does one know that a dog is truly protective and would defend against an attacker? They could look all protective, but when push comes to shove, they could back down. Do Cane Corso's have temperament tests like what they do with Filas? I'm just wondering, because all my dogs (2 Tosas and 1 EB) show protective behaviour, but I have no idea if they would really stand up to an intruder or attacker.[/quote] IMHO, Any good solid dog will defend his home. I have rescued and owned a lot of large breed dogs in last 30 years and I can say I never had any that did not try to protect what was his...Remember dogs like people come in all different mindsets ,some might not test worth a crap but when push comes to shove I want my dog with me.They won't ALL be great at it but damn it they WILL give u enough time to cock and load and dial 911..
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