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What if 

My dog killed a cat, jumped in his mouth, on leash. The first thing that people said : what if the cat was a child. Come on you cant compare a cat with a child.

I think people are scared , I cant judge if you can controle all of your dogs walking as a pack. If you can controle 4 neos even when a fight break loose you are a exeption.

Most people cant even control one dog.

I owned two gsd , brothers, when a dog attacked them and a fight was going on i couldnt get them off the other dog without help.

I love your pack and it seems that you are doing a good job))

Talking about packs, what about all the dog daycare services. They are walking with 10 dogs they dont even realy know and the services that i have met couldnt controle their dogs at all.

I have a co, walking in parc, beaches, woods everywhere without a leash and people who are familiair with the breed are telling me that i am stupid to walk a co without a leash. I have more controle over my co than any dogowner i have met.

People are guard by fear, dont judge the situation based on what they see.

Replies (8)
    • http://youtu.be/3BR1NCr2SPY


      Recently I have received some harsh criticism for taking my 4 neos out together by so called experts and some no so experienced owners.Most of their comments are based on what ifs.... like if another dog/s try to attack my dogs etc.All I can say is they must based their comments on their own experiences with their own dogs and their predicted reactions.I now have mine on leashes most of the time and always feel in control of any situation that occurrs because I have spent lots of time training them seperately and with them altogether and although I haven't video every time some offleash dog/s have tried to attack my 4 neos I have videoed a few instances.Note in the first video I am holding all 4 with one hand whilst recording what is happening and more than that I am walking backwards.I am very aware what the possibilities

      could be but can only base my decision to take them out altogether on what actually does happen and the certainty of the control I have always had no matter what they are confronted with and know absolutely none of my lot will ever initiate an attack and I can only have responsibility for the control of my dogs and not of other peoples.I actually feel that having 4 of them together creates a situation where there is less likely to be an attack,dogs are not that stupid and I am sure other dogs sense the bond between my dogs being mother father and thier son and daughter and as a collective they are more confident than when they are on their own individually

      • What if 

        My dog killed a cat, jumped in his mouth, on leash. The first thing that people said : what if the cat was a child. Come on you cant compare a cat with a child.

        I think people are scared , I cant judge if you can controle all of your dogs walking as a pack. If you can controle 4 neos even when a fight break loose you are a exeption.

        Most people cant even control one dog.

        I owned two gsd , brothers, when a dog attacked them and a fight was going on i couldnt get them off the other dog without help.

        I love your pack and it seems that you are doing a good job))

        Talking about packs, what about all the dog daycare services. They are walking with 10 dogs they dont even realy know and the services that i have met couldnt controle their dogs at all.

        I have a co, walking in parc, beaches, woods everywhere without a leash and people who are familiair with the breed are telling me that i am stupid to walk a co without a leash. I have more controle over my co than any dogowner i have met.

        People are guard by fear, dont judge the situation based on what they see.

        • In the UK we don't have anything like day care services,at least not yet,but I have seen them on television with many more dogs than my pack of 4 and you are correct when you say they do not really know the dogs they walk.I agree with you about the cat,there is simply no valid comparison between a cat and a child.I will say that I do train my dogs to ignore cats quite successfully even when they are offleash:




          I even train them to ignore pigeons which are often in the city center even if they are off leash :


          • I have chickens in my yard and inar ignore them, i have a cat and they get along well.

            Normaly he ignores them too , he only had to close his mouth and he did. Sadly enough.

            I love your movies thank you for posting.

            • http://youtu.be/tm3xTpFNbNo

              This is a video I took recently.The white husky like (intact) male dog escaped from its owners and despite my high fences (obviously not high enough) jumped into my garden where my lot were just chilling.I heard some excitement and saw the strange dog through the window and videoed this.Some may think my pack should of attacked the dog but I am very glad they did not .After all ,tho it had trespassed on their territory (well mine actually,I own the air they breathe) they did not see the dog as any type of threat to themselves .You will see that the owners were looking for him,I,m not sure if they were walking him and he  ran off but they had no lead for him.There is a point where he tries to mount one of my males and I easily controlled that ,having the confidence in all of my lot that if the strange dog decided to attack me in any way it would not end well for him but I certainly did not want that to happen.You notice that once I controlled my lot they were easily put away leaving one of my pack with me at all  times just in case as I did not know the dog even tho I sensed he was ok..I'm not sure how long he had been in my garden but by the look of my young female and the strange dogs panting and none of the others it would seem there had been some kind of play.My lot are used to me bringing strange dogs home and I train them to not show show agression towards them,I'm  ok with them exhibiting dominance but that does not mean tearing the dog to bits.The video below is an example of just that,them being dominant but still able to be controlled by me:


              Some might think the bordeux is being bullied and to a degree it is but  NO BLOOD BATH LOL 

              • Just found this one I recorded when my lot met a cat but still under control if they weren't as I am only holding them all in one hand and filmiing with the other their combined strength would have no problem dragging me towards the cat  


                • Its funny that dogs with no secure leader want to join a stable pack.

                  Question how old are the sonn and daughter?

                  • both are three and half years old mum is 7 and dad 5 years 

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