Patricio de Vitale
Yes, Obi and everyone at MD. Partizio di Vitale has left us. One of the great mastinari of modern times. A very sad day of mourning in the neapolitan community world wide.

- · OBI1
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It is with shock that I received an email from informing me of the death of Patricio de Vitale pls read on... Dear Friends, With great pain we announce that the great Patricio de Vitale is no longer with us, we have lost a true passionate man and for many of us a great friend. There are no words to describe this loss, with how much love Patrizio has dedicated to the breed, and everyone knows how many grand things he has done due to his generosity. Ciao Patrizio you will remain in our hearts, you will be missed, but we will maintain your memory and always remember you. Cari amici , con grande dolore annunciamo la scomparsa del grande Patrizio De Vitale , abbiamo perso un grande appassionato e per molti di noi un grande amico . Non ci sono parole per descrivere con quanto amore Patrizio si è dedicato alla razza e tutti coloro che lo hanno conosciuto sanno quanto grande fosse la sua generositÃ. Ciao Patrizio resterai nei nostri cuori , ci mancherai , ma manterremo vivo il tuo ricordo . Queridos amigos, con gran dolor anunciamos la desaparición del gran Patrizio De Vitale, hemos perdido a un adulto apasionado y por muchos de nosotros un gran amigo. No hay palabras para describir con cuanto amor Patrizio se ha dedicado a la raza y todos los que lo han conocido saben cuánto grandes fosos su generosidad. Hola Patricio quedarás en nuestros corazones, nos faltarás, pero mantendremos vivo tu recuerdo. Il Colosseo Though I never knew him personally, his contribution to the Neapolitan Mastiff as a breed cannot be quantified and his death is a great loss to the breed and most especially his family and friends. My prayers go out to his family at this time. Fare thee well Patricio. -
- · unknown
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Yes, Obi and everyone at MD. Partizio di Vitale has left us. One of the great mastinari of modern times. A very sad day of mourning in the neapolitan community world wide. -
- · gsicard
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My condolences to his family and friends. His legacy will live on. :( -
- · unknown
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