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please help me

Why post the question in the Cane Corso section?
Replies (6)
    • I'm definitely going to own one of these two breeds. I need the most sincere recomendation. I 'm between the dogo argentino and the presa canario. Both dogs are good guardians. But i need to know who is most versatile in the sense of who is more family oriented, or kid oriented. I' ve heard about some tough temperaments from the presa, some people says that they are more defense oriented, that they are extremely territorial and very dominant. About the dogo i feel and see in some sites that is more manageable, more family oriented, not so used in protection work, more capable of being better house pet. I want to be a 100% percent sure of these conclusion. If you had any comments, please notify me.
      • Why post the question in the Cane Corso section?
        • Cornelio, Between only those 2, if u want a more family oriented breed and will be more tolerant of your childs frineds and their parents, id say go with dog argentino, how ever, and i believe jaboa would bak this up, the majority r so nice that a person could steal 1.... Now that not to say that all dogos r like that, thats an unfair generalization, but from what ive heard and seen they can be overly nice.. The presa defiinitly wont be stolen or hurt YOUR children, but they have a very high or hair trigger for aggression, and they would be better if you had more of distance between you and your neighbors. Also, they r not very tolerable of new or strange people, and this includes children as they r people, and problems could arrise. However, i know you didnt mention this breed, but they fall about in between the dogo and the presa, the american bullddog.. I mean a true, old style scott style american bulldog, they like jus about all children, but will not hesitate to engage ANY intruder you might be so unlucky as have come up on you.This breed, i feel has been so commercialized that it is VERY VERY VERY hard to find a good example of the breed, but if you r lucky enuff to find 1, you will have 1 HELLUVA dog!! If you would like to personal message me, i could give you my opinions on the right breeders, and i know that jaboa also has some great ab knowledge and breeder knowledge! I hope that this has helped you.. by the way, i do own 2 american bulldogs who i love to death, but cuz of my already said opinions, i will not own another 1, but i will not tell some1 else to not own 1, and if any1 ele wants to talk about them, just pm me and ill be glad to talk till im blue in the face about them... Mike
          • [quote=buldog]Cornelio, Between only those 2, if u want a more family oriented breed and will be more tolerant of your childs frineds and their parents, id say go with dog argentino, how ever, and i believe jaboa would bak this up, the majority r so nice that a person could steal 1.... Now that not to say that all dogos r like that, thats an unfair generalization, but from what ive heard and seen they can be overly nice.. The presa defiinitly wont be stolen or hurt YOUR children, but they have a very high or hair trigger for aggression, and they would be better if you had more of distance between you and your neighbors. Also, they r not very tolerable of new or strange people, and this includes children as they r people, and problems could arrise. However, i know you didnt mention this breed, but they fall about in between the dogo and the presa, the american bullddog.. I mean a true, old style scott style american bulldog, they like jus about all children, but will not hesitate to engage ANY intruder you might be so unlucky as have come up on you.This breed, i feel has been so commercialized that it is VERY VERY VERY hard to find a good example of the breed, but if you r lucky enuff to find 1, you will have 1 HELLUVA dog!! If you would like to personal message me, i could give you my opinions on the right breeders, and i know that jaboa also has some great ab knowledge and breeder knowledge! I hope that this has helped you.. by the way, i do own 2 american bulldogs who i love to death, but cuz of my already said opinions, i will not own another 1, but i will not tell some1 else to not own 1, and if any1 ele wants to talk about them, just pm me and ill be glad to talk till im blue in the face about them... Mike[/quote]And the cane corso or the rhodesian ridgeback, could make a happy medium as the american bulldog too.
            • I dont know a thing about the Ridge back, but i can say that if you get a Cane Corso Italiano, it will be a great dog for your family, IF you put the required time into training and socialization!!
              • buldog, that is so right :D
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