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Police Pitbull

It is good that the APBT has a respectable job that could put a positive spin on the breeds reputation. They do love to work and this video shows that. Awesome.
Replies (4)
    • Maybe a few more like these and we can beat this BSL thing. [youtube]LPd2J3HFJxM[/youtube]
      • It is good that the APBT has a respectable job that could put a positive spin on the breeds reputation. They do love to work and this video shows that. Awesome.
        • The american pitbull terrier will never be allowed back into the uk due to the american idiot who promoted them here years ago.

          We had the idiot on tv talking about how strong and how much damage the pitbull could do to a human being.

          He gave the dogs a terrible reputation yet he only had mongrels .

          The documentary was just about how much damage they could do, he bragged about how they can bite through a persons arm

          about how they kill everything in sight.


          And the pitbull law will stay because under this particular law lies a lot of other laws as well.

          The private motor car became a public place and is now considered a public place in uk law, the police do not need to

          provide a warrant to get anyone out of a car.

          The police also do not need a warrant if they believe a pitbull type is on the premises !!!!!


          there is a lot more to the dangerous dogs act in the uk than people realise, it came in under a hidden agenda and will never go.



          Its a shame the public listened to a few idiots and got on the bandwagon to kill off the breed in the uk.


          when the pitbull became illegal in the uk, there was no recorded bites by a pitbull, no recorded dog attacks by a pitbull.

          yet the law came into force so easy......

          • 9 out of 10 ppl are incapable of rationally thinking for themself.


            i have come across so many ppl that try and "educate" me about pitbulls and about how they are dangerous dogs that will turn on you etc. etc. yet these same ppl who claim to know so much about them have never.........owned one, pet one, read a book about one, or anything at all.........all they know is what they have heard on the news. and they are instant experts.

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