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problem with feedig pregnant female

I give them anything they will eat while they are pregnant and nursing! They can't go without food during this time IMO. May have hell to pay later, but at least your pups are getting the nutrition.
Replies (9)
    • i have a big problem regarding my pregnant female. from the time she was bred she was eating very well until now. as soon as she turned one month pregnant she started eating half her usual amount. now she is five weeks and her appetite has really detoriated to the point of for the last two days she has not touch her food, but she will drink milk however which she is given only if she really do not eat. i have tried leaving her food with her overnight but to wake up the next morning and found that she has not even touch it. one strange thing though is that there is still feaces in the kennel everyday.today i will try and introduce a new type of food and see what she does. by the way, she is active and everything is as usual with no sign of trouble. i think she is trying to fool me because she knows i love her so much that iwill go out of my way and buy her the most expensive of food out there. i have had a female that did this to me in the past.any suggestion or advice will be much welcome and appreciated. :cry:
      • I give them anything they will eat while they are pregnant and nursing! They can't go without food during this time IMO. May have hell to pay later, but at least your pups are getting the nutrition.
        • I recently went through this also. Our pups are 5 weeks now, but when mom was 4-5 weeks into gestation, she slowed down her eating. She has been a picky eater at times before, and we were trying new food during this pregnancy, so I just tried leaving her the usual kibble during the day. I did find she would eat the canned version, so I gave her some of that too, and some meat scraps as were available. So basically she skipped a few meals, but eventually got back to her usual diet. At the time I did come across a passage in one of my books that mentioned they will sometimes do this at that time frame. I had a friend who would have to take her dog to McD's for hamburgers, cause she wouldn't eat anything else while pregnant.
          • [quote=4myneo]I give them anything they will eat while they are pregnant and nursing! They can't go without food during this time IMO. May have hell to pay later, but at least your pups are getting the nutrition.[/quote] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recently went through this also. Our pups are 5 weeks now, but when mom was 4-5 weeks into gestation, she slowed down her eating. She has been a picky eater at times before, and we were trying new food during this pregnancy, so I just tried leaving her the usual kibble during the day. I did find she would eat the canned version, so I gave her some of that too, and some meat scraps as were available. So basically she skipped a few meals, but eventually got back to her usual diet. At the time I did come across a passage in one of my books that mentioned they will sometimes do this at that time frame. I had a friend who would have to take her dog to McD's for hamburgers, cause she wouldn't eat anything else while pregnant. today i gave her chicken lunchon meat and she ate all of it all but this thing is fucking expensive. she got me this time. i will get her later. thanks for the advice
            • try scrambled eggs....its my go to when all else fails....... john
              • i have been able to get her to eat. this dog is driving me crazy. she wants only chicken lunchon meat.check bully breed forum
                • Can try cooked beef liver too. Yogurt is great for them. Cheese is good. Even macaroni and cheese!
                  • I had a dog once would only eat Cat kibble and yoghurt. Another one beef liver only cooked no kibble. I would just try different foods and see which works and stick to it. Good Luck
                    • thanks everybody :) i really appreciate the help :D
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