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Raising two males

Fully agree with Frederick. We had 2 males and 2 females and the two males did not get along and neither did the two females.  We had a decent size yard at the time but I suspected that if they had a flock to guard and acres to roam they would be better. So, either way if you have to of the same sex in a confined area without a job they will challenge for leadership and you will have some serious altercations.  This is the hard part for most owners - if two of them start fighting you are best to keep the others (if any) out of it and observe. They will typically end the scuffle by them selves if one submits. The danger is if there is no submission. What every you do - never get between them when they are engaged. You can before.

Replies (4)
    • Hi everyone.


      I am getting two new pups from the same litter. However, instead of getting a brother and sister I am STRONGLY considering getting two males.


      Now I had absolutely no problem raising my last two (brother & sister); but how will two males work out? Will they grow together and remain in harmony (of course I will constantly work with them) or will they be too aggressive towards each other once they become adults?


      I have my female Co, so I do expect some tension when she goes on heat but at this time I will have them separated?


      I really look forward to you guys advice on this one.


      Thank you.


      • it all depends on the personality of each dog individualy, but yes, on average you will have more troubles with 2 males as they will want to show macho behavior.

        when they sexualy mature they will work things out, normaly you should let them sort it out on their own, unless it becomes to much ofcourse.

        2 females get along better, but if they don't ... it's worse then 2 males ....

        • Fully agree with Frederick. We had 2 males and 2 females and the two males did not get along and neither did the two females.  We had a decent size yard at the time but I suspected that if they had a flock to guard and acres to roam they would be better. So, either way if you have to of the same sex in a confined area without a job they will challenge for leadership and you will have some serious altercations.  This is the hard part for most owners - if two of them start fighting you are best to keep the others (if any) out of it and observe. They will typically end the scuffle by them selves if one submits. The danger is if there is no submission. What every you do - never get between them when they are engaged. You can before.

          • Agreed gary, space in these cases is very important.

            if given enough space you will not have to much problems.

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