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Rotti's in East TN

From the USRC(United States Rotttweiler Club) site: Southeast Regional Sieger Show and BST June 2 & 3, 2007 Judge: TBA Hosted by: Smoky Mountain Working Rottweiler Klub Contact: Lois Boling Location: Caryville, TN E-mail: landlrotts@comcast.net I may be at this show with my Female. I'd suggest your friend take thier time and really do some research. Have them ask about hips, elbows and thyroid on both sides of the breeding. Then be sure to find a breeder that will work with them to match the right puppy to fit thier home. Best of luck.
Replies (7)
    • Does anyone know of a good working breeder in or around Knoxville Tennessee? I have a friend who is looking for one so I said I would ask around, thanks in advance Nick
      • I guess thats a no then, how about anywhere in TN?
        • From the USRC(United States Rotttweiler Club) site: Southeast Regional Sieger Show and BST June 2 & 3, 2007 Judge: TBA Hosted by: Smoky Mountain Working Rottweiler Klub Contact: Lois Boling Location: Caryville, TN E-mail: landlrotts@comcast.net I may be at this show with my Female. I'd suggest your friend take thier time and really do some research. Have them ask about hips, elbows and thyroid on both sides of the breeding. Then be sure to find a breeder that will work with them to match the right puppy to fit thier home. Best of luck.
          • Thank you
            • Chip Ditto in Tennessee has some nice working dogs. You might check to see if he has any available dogs. His male Ass is a very nice dog, good looking and nice working. http://www.vonderfaultline.net/ Good luck!
              • CUB - That's a nice looking dog.
                • Yes, I agree with you :) I like Ass. Another person who has a super nice dog, both beautiful in conformation and very nice in work with correct temperament is James Trucks in TN. He owns Vico von der Flugschneise. Vico is a Deutscher VDH CH and also USRC national sieger 05 and several other regional sieger titles. He is HD/ED frei, schH III BH AD ztp. We bred to him when Guenter still owned him in Germany. Awesome dog and am very happy with the pups. I don't have a current email address or contact info for James and don't know if he is still studding him out. Another option is you could always tell your friend he/she could import a dog/pup from Germany. Turnleburg and vom schloss rastede kennels have been producing really nice working dogs in the past yrs. Go check them out. If your friend doesn't want to import, maybe check out getting a pup out of Unkas. He was newly imported by vom aztlan in california. Unkas was the ADRK DM winner in '04 and had the best bitework performance at the IFR in Florida. Super nice dog. His pics don't do him justice. He looks much better in person.
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