Separation Anxiety Maybe or something else?
Keep doing the walks, and play sessions, get her to a trainer and ignore it when she whines.
IF you try to make her feel better while whinning by coming back out again and give her attention.....STOP......That is how you teach her to do that! There is also a noise correction that you can use, but I would highly suggest finding an experienced trainer.
At this age is can be corrected, Neo's are vocal dogs.....FYI.
- · Instere0
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My girlfriend's dog (Mona) started acting up recently and it's getting kinda out of hand. Her dog is a 6 month old female neoXpit mix (75% neo 25% pit). She's sort of an inside/outside dog, but mostly outside. Her yard is relatively small with no major distractions there except for the neighbor's barking dogs which can't be seen. Her puppy used to be really friendly but know she's becoming really stubborn and she cries over any little thing. Her crying gets worse at night when she is put outside. She'll start whinning, crying, barking, and scratching the door trying to get in. When we do let her inside she starts crying too. We've taken her to the vet and there's nothing wrong, she's just slightly underweight but not bad at all for her age and breed(s). Yesterday I took her to my house and put her in the back yard with my year old akita female, who is really well behaved. My girl's puppy started playing very aggresively with my akita. I wanted to see if it was some time of separation anxiety problem that Mona has, she was playing with my akita but as soon as I left them in the backyard she started whinning, not as bad as at my girl's house but she still did it. This morning I fed both dogs and spent some time with them to see how they were getting along. Everything seemed normal until I had to leave for work. Mona started crying and whinning again. What is wrong with her? I'm thinking it's separation anxiety, but I'm not sure. I've never seen it in any of my dogs. I thought it only happened to little carry-around-inside-a-purse dogs, not to a big dog like this. What can I do? I already started taking her out for long walks and for play sessions in the park to get rid of some of her stress, but what else can I do? HELP PLEASE!!! -
- · unknown
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Keep doing the walks, and play sessions, get her to a trainer and ignore it when she whines. IF you try to make her feel better while whinning by coming back out again and give her attention.....STOP......That is how you teach her to do that! There is also a noise correction that you can use, but I would highly suggest finding an experienced trainer. At this age is can be corrected, Neo's are vocal dogs.....FYI. -
- · gsicard
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Hello Instereo - did you ever get a diagnosis of your dogs problems? I would like to hear what you found out.