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Shaping a personality

Beer makes me smart. :D
Replies (6)
    • Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way... you become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions. Aristotle Those words by Aristotle are played out on MD everyday by observing the writings in the forum. I find them particulary enlightening. Anyone else?
      • Beer makes me smart. :D
        • I find the sun enlightening. 8)
          • It depends on the person. Some people allow their true personalities to shine through their writing but then there are others who take advantage of the fact that they can hide behind a screen and turn into the ""tough and macho"" type or in some cases, simply a bully. So in essence, the person on the forum becomes not who they really are, but who they wish they could be. Sometimes its a positive thing though as shy people who normally wouldnt speak up at all, gain the confidence to put in their two cents. I dunno, it is neat to see different personalities shinging through individual posts though.
            • ...
              • You do make a good point. Body language is super important in a conversation just like when dealing with dogs. You can say a sentence and have it interpreted so many different ways simply on how you change your body language and tone.
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