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Show me the proof - NOT opinions

[quote1317346764=LeeRobinson] I never spoke with anyone from Andate Kennels before and know nothing about them. I was just notified today about their behavior...stealing information from my website and present it as if they wrote it. It isn't the first time this type of stuff has happened and I am sure it won't be the last. They also stole several Swinford photos from my website as well...without asking to use them. I just don't appreciate it when people steal information without permission and present it as if it is theirs. If people would be more honest, we would have less problems. As far as the owner of the dog in your avatar. His name is Donald Stocks. He is a nice guy and has a good program known Battle Ground Kennels, but he is a relatively private individual and doesn't get involved in internet stuff. I hope you understand, but since he is a private individual I am not going to post his personal contact information on a website. If you changed your avatar, I would have no beef to pick with you. [/quote1317346764] OK Lee, I will change my avatar! I also can understand that U r annoyed about Andante Kennels if they stole stuff from U. Tomorrow I will decide what pic to take, but I will definitely take another one. P.S. Do U think it maybe would be OK to take the avatar I have as negative image? Mr. Stock might be OK with it. His dog looks so intense.
Replies (71)
    • [quote1317408960=theoneneo] Is jerry springer big in Germany? [/quote1317408960] I'd say somewhat popular - but nowhere near David Hasselhoff. Dan
      • [quote1317407975=bright] but by the push and pull of people who'd benefit if the topic is deviated, the topic has lost its form.. :) I had suggested for a topic to be opened only for the reason that the persons involved can also see and say what they have to.. I have put in what I had.. lets see what Gary thinks.. [/quote1317407975] LOL your thread or wish for this thread was condemned to lose right from the start! It was condemned to lose, due to your lack of intelligence and especially knowledge about people skills, as you start a huge post by using copy & paste and post pms. These r the skills of a 3grd., but not what I would expect from somebody who claims he studies law! U r a joke and it was a pathetic attempt! U showed pms in which I stated that I cannot stand wolf, that I was on Andreas side, that some threads were planned to get a certain reaction etc. SO WHAT? LOL I did not even care about the fact that people now can read all this stuff, although it was pathetic and unethical, as U had no permission to publish it. By the way U left out the pm I sent U where i said that Andreas suspected U to be more clever than Soldiermonkey, but I disagreed and said U r not smarter than him, but at least he was more athletic. ;) Greetings to India BVLGARI
        • [quote1317409632=BVLGARI] somebody who claims he studies law! U r a joke [/quote1317409632] So where's the restraint from personal attack? And where's the (annoying) "Sir" now?
          • LOL Andreas... hahahah
            • [quote1317410125=BVLGARI] [quote1317407975=bright] but by the push and pull of people who'd benefit if the topic is deviated, the topic has lost its form.. :) I had suggested for a topic to be opened only for the reason that the persons involved can also see and say what they have to.. I have put in what I had.. lets see what Gary thinks.. [/quote1317407975] LOL your thread or wish for this thread was condemned to lose right from the start! It was condemned to lose, due to your lack of intelligence and especially knowledge about people skills, as you start a huge post by using copy & paste and post pms. These r the skills of a 3grd., but not what I would expect from somebody who claims he studies law! U r a joke and it was a pathetic attempt! U showed pms in which I stated that I cannot stand wolf, that I was on Andreas side, that some threads were planned to get a certain reaction etc. SO WHAT? LOL I did not even care about the fact that people now can read all this stuff, although it was pathetic and unethical, as U had no permission to publish it. By the way U left out the pm I sent U where i said that Andreas suspected U to be more clever than Soldiermonkey, but I disagreed and said U r not smarter than him, but at least he was more athletic. ;) Greetings to India BVLGARI [/quote1317410125] Did you really just say that?!!!!!!
              • The one fact in all of this is that it's ALL very pathetic, it makes The Jerry Springer Show look sophisticated. I can't blame Gary - or any adult really - to prefer to stay out of it. Treu Dan its all very sad. Specialy for the people who are working hard to make it a good site with good information. Gees is this what the site ebcame in all those years. Than indeed we miss the strong hand who delete people who are messing with the site for years already.
                • [quote1317410565=kennyo] [quote1317410125=BVLGARI] [quote1317407975=bright] but by the push and pull of people who'd benefit if the topic is deviated, the topic has lost its form.. :) I had suggested for a topic to be opened only for the reason that the persons involved can also see and say what they have to.. I have put in what I had.. lets see what Gary thinks.. [/quote1317407975] LOL your thread or wish for this thread was condemned to lose right from the start! It was condemned to lose, due to your lack of intelligence and especially knowledge about people skills, as you start a huge post by using copy & paste and post pms. These r the skills of a 3grd., but not what I would expect from somebody who claims he studies law! U r a joke and it was a pathetic attempt! U showed pms in which I stated that I cannot stand wolf, that I was on Andreas side, that some threads were planned to get a certain reaction etc. SO WHAT? LOL I did not even care about the fact that people now can read all this stuff, although it was pathetic and unethical, as U had no permission to publish it. By the way U left out the pm I sent U where i said that Andreas suspected U to be more clever than Soldiermonkey, but I disagreed and said U r not smarter than him, but at least he was more athletic. ;) Greetings to India BVLGARI [/quote1317410125] Did you really just say that?!!!!!! [/quote1317410565] lol, so bright did leave this pm away. funny stuff!
                  • [quote1317410638=Astibus] Precisely! And knowing Al, I'd be shocked if you (Andreas/BVLGARI) weren't a pawn in HIS game all along. So much for psyching out someone else. [/quote1317410638] exactly, we all three "worked together". we actually wanted to help wolf to get rid of his old character, to build up Tonedog etc., but now arun wants to destroy everything. 8-) well apart from the "Serbian Sylvan" story, i still consider to be crap, but hey in this case we have Tonedog backing up the story and helping Wolf by covering the old story with a new story, namely the story of the "Serbian Sylvan" being the gradfather figure of all "gripping-dogs". i already can see a new fashion for "gripping dogs" or ancient gripping dogs from serbia. (brings money) they should get their own profile here. do you guys notice something *-) i mean wolf wanted to get rid of his old "character", wasn´t it obvious? he did not even trust his own profiles anymore! Andreas
                    • Dude, don't be so gullible! It's so apparent that crnosrce is writing on behalf of babigirl, who is really just Gary (but not maximus), whereas bright is trying to get rid of his old character acamper, which just appears newer to those who don't follow all hints correctly. Babigirl is also a character of soldiermonkey, I mean, obviously. And by the way, I (Astibus) am just your own alternate character trying to talk some sense into you - I mean, me. It's almost too easy to see through all of this.
                      • now that you say it, it seems to be more real than the whole thread lol.
                        • [quote1317415362=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK] now that you say it, it seems to be more real than the whole thread lol. [/quote1317415362] Hahaha you lose.
                          • This is all getting really out of hand now. I've have sat back and read (disappointedly) for the last few weeks, and I have to say it's been a sad thing to witness. I hope that, though all of this, it doesn't get lost that one of the best things about this site is that it provides a place where people, like me, who are genuinely looking for advise from good and experienced people (like babigirl and tonedog and many many others) before taking, what should be considered, the huge leap of bringing one of these fine animals in to our homes, can come and talk to people who have years of experience owning, breeding, and working with these breeds before making what could end up being a huge mistake. In my short time here I made only ONE post and with in ONE day I received responses from experienced people who gave me real and actionable advise that I count as having been incredibly helpful. I took that advise and now I'm proud to report that very soon I will be welcoming a beautiful (though not "show quality") DB into my family who will be by my side as I explore the wilderness of Central Europe. To sit back now and watch as people who, in my estimation, seem to know nothing about the breeds of which they discus, other than what it is that they have read on the internet or heard from friends and family, openly cheering at the fact that they have driven away a member of the board like wolf who, for all his crassness, could not in my estimation be accused of not being, at the very least, a knowledgeable dog man and therefor by extension and valuable resource for vital information for people like me, is utterly disgraceful. I don't know "sunny-AK" or bvgri (or for that matter any of you) personally so my upbringing prohibits me from making any personal comments on his/her/their character. I will say however that the behavior I've seen displayed has at times been mind boggling. And can be off-putting to newer members, like me, who only come here because of the experience and the seriousness of it's more senior members. Who knows how many people and dogs have avoided being put into bad situations over the years because of this site. Or how much heartache has been avoided, or how much money,time, and energy saved because of the good advise given here. This is a good site with a great deal of good information. I hope it stays that way. Otherwise, we all may as well just read the silly comments at the end of every youtube dog video. I know I'm new and relatively unknown, so my two cents may not be worth much more than that, but hears to hoping that all this will stop and that this site will return to it's place as a beacon of knowledge and sharing in this god foresaken place we call the internet. sooner than later! Thanks guys. hope you're all well and that you stay that way. Cheers, chris
                            • [quote1317416635=theoneneo] [quote1317415362=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK] now that you say it, it seems to be more real than the whole thread lol. [/quote1317415362] Hahaha you lose. [/quote1317416635] Bright lost it right from the start. U cannot talk about moral and justice and start a thread with the most unethical behaviour ever, namely posting multiple private messages! I don't mind about the content, but it shows that bright has very low moral values and I guess everybody will agree with me that this is a "NO-GO" or let's say a tabu! It was much, much worse from an ethical point of view than wolf's extreme swearing! I will stay away from this thread now, as it was great for entertainment, but beside that it had nothing to offer. I even agree with the new member called caj518 it can be off-putting for new members, so from now on, I WILL ONLY POST IN DOG THREADS AND BE AS POLITE AS POSSIBLE EVEN IF PEOPLE INSULT ME OR USE DEROGATORY LANGUAGE! BVLGARI
                              • I'm sorry blvgari, but it seems as if you missed the point slightly. It's not about manors or politeness. Nor has it to do with on which threads you post.
                                • [quote1317421113=Astibus] Babigirl is also a character of soldiermonkey, I mean, obviously. [/quote1317421113] You put me with Babigirl... Hot.
                                  • A little arguing is good in a debate but I haven't witnessed much debating. A debate is where both parties are given an opportunity to voice there opinion in a point/counterpoint scenario without any preconceived idea about the other party and BOTH parties stay on the TOPIC. I taught high school debate for 9 years but I don't claim to be a "PROFESSIONAL" just SOMEWHAT knowledgeable. In a forum EVERYONE has SOMETHING to bring and add and NO individual should be scrutinzed and have their opinion picked apart at every turn. I have to also disagree SLIGHTLY that it SHOULD be about manners and POLITENESS. I'm like caj518 I'm new, COMPLETELY to dog ownership, my FIRST nor do I PERSONALLY know ANYONE. There are lots of interesting topics AND humor, HELL the Serbian Syl...whatever thread and following threads were the hottest few weeks since I've been following MD and it's been a few months for me but I was following along before I joined. I also have to say that there are some VERY intelligent people and some that got their degrees from life but NO one should be personally attacked. Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention but a haven't witnessed any blatant racism, forgive me but I also think if it were as bad as others have said I assume or HOPE that Gary would intervene. My thoughts/OPINION you don't have to agree but it IS MINES, on a forum EVERYBODY has one like ASSES. PEACE, Alan
                                    • [quote1317422175=BVLGARI] [quote1317416635=theoneneo] [quote1317415362=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK] now that you say it, it seems to be more real than the whole thread lol. [/quote1317415362] Hahaha you lose. [/quote1317416635] Bright lost it right from the start. U cannot talk about moral and justice and start a thread with the most unethical behaviour ever, namely posting multiple private messages! I don't mind about the content, but it shows that bright has very low moral values and I guess everybody will agree with me that this is a "NO-GO" or let's say a tabu! It was much, much worse from an ethical point of view than wolf's extreme swearing! I will stay away from this thread now, as it was great for entertainment, but beside that it had nothing to offer. I even agree with the new member called caj518 it can be off-putting for new members, so from now on, I WILL ONLY POST IN DOG THREADS AND BE AS POLITE AS POSSIBLE EVEN IF PEOPLE INSULT ME OR USE DEROGATORY LANGUAGE! BVLGARI [/quote1317422175] Post on the Labrador section if there is one, if not, keep your mouth shut and keep your stories to your self.
                                      • [quote1317423017=BVLGARI] I even agree with the new member called caj518 it can be off-putting for new members [/quote1317423017] And you are here since when? May 2008? Please define "new member" for us and tell me if your contributions reflect the humbleness that should come with joining a new group? Thought so.
                                        • [quote1317423427=soldiermonkey] [quote1317421113=Astibus] Babigirl is also a character of soldiermonkey, I mean, obviously. [/quote1317421113] You put me with Babigirl... Hot. [/quote1317423427] You were nice. You deserved it. ;)
                                          • [quote1317423115=BVLGARI] LOL U basically lost it bright. I was told that U study law in india. Now I don't expect a third world country to have high standards, but your whole post was so unintelligent and poor that I am pretty sure you can even not India get a college degree. Most of the stuff I answered U was just to test your character and to fool U. But first back to your juristic qualities. U will become a very bad lawyer, if U should be able to get a college degree at all, what is highly unlikely. Who knows maybe U only pretend to study law. The whole way this was written is not the work of a person who might have the potential to be a good lawyer, but the "work" of an unintelligent young guy. U can only get a degree in a third world country with enough money support from mummy & daddy! U know that right? I tested U and feeded U with your dump questions with a lot of different informations and all your evidence is to post pms here. By the way even sometimes out of context. I think the poor child from india who played a part in the bollywood movie slumdog millionair for sure is way more talented than U, but has to live on a garbage dump again. Very sad. [/quote1317423115] [quote1317422697=acamper] Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention but a haven't witnessed any blatant racism, forgive me but I also think if it were as bad as others have said I assume or HOPE that Gary would intervene. My thoughts/OPINION you don't have to agree but it IS MINES, on a forum EVERYBODY has one like ASSES. PEACE, Alan [/quote1317422697] Do you not think this is disrespectful, both to Bright and his country? Maybe we just have a different idea of the word 'racism'.
                                            • I agree with you acamper (sorry I don't know how to do quotes), everyone should have the right to have their opinions heard without prejudice. but I don't think it's ok to purposely try to draw people in to debate with the sole intention of riling other members up for no purpose other than to drive knowlegeable people away from the board
                                              • caj518, if you want to quote, just hover the mouse over the little blue circle in the top right hand corner of the post. If you click on that, it will bring up the quote screen.
                                                • [quote1317425044=BVLGARI] [quote1317416635=theoneneo] [quote1317415362=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK] now that you say it, it seems to be more real than the whole thread lol. [/quote1317415362] Hahaha you lose. [/quote1317416635] Bright lost it right from the start. U cannot talk about moral and justice and start a thread with the most unethical behaviour ever, namely posting multiple private messages! I don't mind about the content, but it shows that bright has very low moral values and I guess everybody will agree with me that this is a "NO-GO" or let's say a tabu! It was much, much worse from an ethical point of view than wolf's extreme swearing! I will stay away from this thread now, as it was great for entertainment, but beside that it had nothing to offer. I even agree with the new member called caj518 it can be off-putting for new members, so from now on, I WILL ONLY POST IN DOG THREADS AND BE AS POLITE AS POSSIBLE EVEN IF PEOPLE INSULT ME OR USE DEROGATORY LANGUAGE! BVLGARI [/quote1317425044] Did the picture stealing, argument instigating member just talk about morals and ethics AGAIN?!! The hypocracy that spews out of your fingertips is astounding!
                                                  • Lmfao!!!!! I leave for a couple hours and the route this thread took was Completely Unexpected... Sweet. I love it. That's what is Great about MD -It's classic. Hopefully soon enough We all can get back to what all of us love most, Dogs. *The drama is getting old.* Personally this site has helped me grow as a dog lover, breeder, and dog behavior modifier.. My only hope is for others to have the same experiences. I have made life long friends here- who I hope to still talk about dogs with at 80.
                                                    • Well hopefully we can all get back to dogs and forget about the drama as soon as gary comes back, reads this thread, and bans andreas (both bvlgari and pug brit). And continues banning each new sock puppet as they arise (easy to spot, I'll point them out if you like), forever and ever. And ever.
                                                      • [quote1317431672=bright]All I say is that a member acted deliberately to oust an established member and his friends out of this board, knowing fully well that the relationship the Admin had with them, and to prejudice the mind of Admin and others against those unfortunate members who had contributed so much for this board. there were several premeditated and deceitful acts of knavery and iniquity to create necessary atmosphere to invoke the censure and displicence of the Admin and the board at large against these members. Not only that, he also deliberately exasperated Wolf and his friends to cause a great upheaval in the board, which in turn would result in the Admin taking his (BVL's) side, and objecting his own friends under the obligation of upholding the rules of the board, which are equal to all.[/quote1317431672] Hello Bright, Thank you for your post and for providing some evidence of the deceitful acts orchestrated by them. All the complainers had opinions but no one provided any proof. Please do not think that I took anyone's side between Wolf or his instigators. My actions are quite predictable - in that it is based on keeping the site clean from insulting and obscene language and preventing the bashing of ANY member by another. Wolf was well aware of this and chose his course of action. About the other two who used subterfuge and deceit to provoke members and stir up discontent and possibly cost the board some bad publicity there is reckoning. Most who know me, errr, gsicard, aka, admin and his evil alter ego Maximus - know that I am very patient and fair. I also like to see both sides of any situation before deciding on a course of action. Thank you again for your post - those two former members are no longer welcome here.
                                                        • [quote1317437529=soldiermonkey] [quote1317423115=BVLGARI] LOL U basically lost it bright. I was told that U study law in india. Now I don't expect a third world country to have high standards, but your whole post was so unintelligent and poor that I am pretty sure you can even not India get a college degree. Most of the stuff I answered U was just to test your character and to fool U. But first back to your juristic qualities. U will become a very bad lawyer, if U should be able to get a college degree at all, what is highly unlikely. Who knows maybe U only pretend to study law. The whole way this was written is not the work of a person who might have the potential to be a good lawyer, but the "work" of an unintelligent young guy. U can only get a degree in a third world country with enough money support from mummy & daddy! U know that right? I tested U and feeded U with your dump questions with a lot of different informations and all your evidence is to post pms here. By the way even sometimes out of context. I think the poor child from india who played a part in the bollywood movie slumdog millionair for sure is way more talented than U, but has to live on a garbage dump again. Very sad. [/quote1317423115] [quote1317422697=acamper] Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention but a haven't witnessed any blatant racism, forgive me but I also think if it were as bad as others have said I assume or HOPE that Gary would intervene. My thoughts/OPINION you don't have to agree but it IS MINES, on a forum EVERYBODY has one like ASSES. PEACE, Alan [/quote1317422697] Do you not think this is disrespectful, both to Bright and his country? Maybe we just have a different idea of the word 'racism'. [/quote1317437529] Okay, I looked it over a lttle more closely. NOW, calling India a 3rd world country is stated by politicians EVERYDAY, BUUUUT saying it doesn't have high standards is presumptious and kinda fucked up along with some of the other shit. The whole post was a knock on India which is shallow, disrespectful, blind and cold but to ME. a black man that HAS experienced racism, THIS isn't b;atant. Let me close by saying I'm no lawyer and I am NOT defending ANYONE just to all cut the B*llSH!7. The forum has interesting information AND duscussions but some of the other shit is a BIG turn-off. Gary sorry for playing with the BS word I just wanted to be sure that everyone knew what I was saying. There ARE some newbies that come for information and I am one of those but if that doesn't happen because of all of the garbage people will go elsewhereand MD will die down. I just want to come here and enjoy learning about dogs without BS and I don't need thank yous for asking something that's KINDA simple on a FORUM. If we're picking shit apart I could be offended or pissed by one of the thank yous received from ARYAN as if THAT name isn't KINDA offensive to a black man. But I'm done speaking up for calm it isn't my fuckin forum.
                                                          • Thank You Gary for cleansing the site of the pot stirrers. Hopefully, we can get back on track to what was before thet nonsense happened and our reactions were, well, what they were.
                                                            • Just a heads up, so he isn't allowed to come on as one of his other alter ego's, he frequently uses Celticwardog and Sahra Parker as handles.
                                                              • acamper I wouldn't worry about it anymore. This goes to everyone who just has a "general greivance" with "the BS fighting on the board". If you look close enough ALL of it was caused by andreas. It's not like everyone is acting stupid, it was just one guy causing trouble and he's gone now so it's all cool.
                                                                • [quote1317446397=maximus] [quote1317431672=bright]All I say is that a member acted deliberately to oust an established member and his friends out of this board, knowing fully well that the relationship the Admin had with them, and to prejudice the mind of Admin and others against those unfortunate members who had contributed so much for this board. there were several premeditated and deceitful acts of knavery and iniquity to create necessary atmosphere to invoke the censure and displicence of the Admin and the board at large against these members. Not only that, he also deliberately exasperated Wolf and his friends to cause a great upheaval in the board, which in turn would result in the Admin taking his (BVL's) side, and objecting his own friends under the obligation of upholding the rules of the board, which are equal to all.[/quote1317431672] Hello Bright, Thank you for your post and for providing some evidence of the deceitful acts orchestrated by them. All the complainers had opinions but no one provided any proof. Please do not think that I took anyone's side between Wolf or his instigators. My actions are quite predictable - in that it is based on keeping the site clean from insulting and obscene language and preventing the bashing of ANY member by another. Wolf was well aware of this and chose his course of action. About the other two who used subterfuge and deceit to provoke members and stir up discontent and possibly cost the board some bad publicity there is reckoning. Most who know me, errr, gsicard, aka, admin and his evil alter ego Maximus - know that I am very patient and fair. I also like to see both sides of any situation before deciding on a course of action. Thank you again for your post - those two former members are no longer welcome here. [/quote1317446397] hello Gary, I thank you.. I understand, one cannot act against anybody merely on the basis of opinions even if the truth is apparent. by the intentions he had with regard to the board, I should tell you that the board is now safe from a lot of disasters.. and I believe most of the members here welcome your decision.. :) -Arun
                                                                  • [quote1317448083=Crnosrce1] Just a heads up, so he isn't allowed to come on as one of his other alter ego's, he frequently uses Celticwardog and Sahra Parker as handles. [/quote1317448083] talking about Sahra parker, here's something for you.. :D Arvind sent this to me.. this was a PM sent to Arvind by Sahra Parker.. please the the 'from' and 'signature' of this message.. lol most of us know of his old board.. i.e, sunnyak.foren-city.de, which is now deleted, and many members from here were also there.. we also know that he always maintained that sahra parker was a different person, a FEMALE (as he claimed here with 'BVLGARI' account..) and participated as a different identity through the profile of sahra parker, often backing his 'sunnyAK' profile up and replying to his own posts, just as BVLGARI did to pug-brit account.. Sahra Parker, introducing herself as a separate person owning a Shiba Inu, and in the below pic, Andreas also welcomes the profile of Sahra Parker, as if that profile is a separate person. the second pic is a continuation of the first pic, you can see that the first pic ends with romy's comment and second pic starts with it.. and the address of the website can also be seen.. Andreas, supporting himself as he always does..
                                                                    • I knew you weren't manipulated by him gary but I still found it incredibly irritating how he THOUGHT he was manipulating you, incredibly insulting to you that he viewed you as an easily manipulated pawn with no mind of your own. This is what arun's pms clearly showed with no ambiguity and that alone easily justified the ban. Then ofcourse there's everything else which easily justified the ban. But from my perspective if I was the admin that part especially would have made me see red, it's just so disrespectful that in his tiny mind you were basically less than human. What a joke that he could look down on anyone, but he obviously did.
                                                                      • I Am 'Romy' from sunnyAk previous board , he send me that PM by mistake..LOL Andreas forgot that he is behind Sahra parker mask at that time... and in hurry he wrote Andreas. LOL
                                                                        • It looks like its signed 'abdreas'... Not that I am saying its not him, just amusing he screwed up the spelling too!
                                                                          • [quote1317453150=soldiermonkey] It looks like its signed 'abdreas'... Not that I am saying its not him, just amusing he screwed up the spelling too! [/quote1317453150] Yes he wrote wrongly in hurry... thats the reason he forgots he is behind Sahra parker mask...
                                                                            • Ok, so aryan... what is the deal with your moniker? I know there is a negative way its been used, but I am sure you have a more positive spin to it?
                                                                              • Aryan (Arvind) is from India, and in India, the term 'Arya' means, 'respected' and Aryan means 'the respected one', having nothing to do with racism or germany.. :) people are also named as 'Aryan' in India..
                                                                                • Haha well thanks Bright. I typed 'aryan' into google after someone had a whinge about the name. I gotta tell you, I had to clear my search history after what came up!
                                                                                  • PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK just contacted me via PM saying it was wrong for him to use other people's photos (as him and "BVLGARI" did) and tells me while he is a different person is claiming he just wrote the information for BVL. Regardless...details as far as I am concerned. They both wanted nonsense and wanted to gain internet acceptance by using property that belonged to other people. Neither apparently has dogs of their own worth using. Nuff said.
                                                                                    • Lee, pm on md?
                                                                                      • Yes. You are welcome to log into my account if you wish and view it for yourself.
                                                                                        • gsicard, This is YOUR board so as far as I am concerned you are entitled to know who is doing what on your property. I can't log into the PM on my forum, so in case you can't view my PMs...here is the information. I would NOT post this information IF I solicited it from him...but I did not do so. He sent me these messages of his own free will and he did not due so via email. He sent these messages via YOUR forum...so I think you have a right to know what his motives were for your board. He is free to disagree, but as a witness and victim of his nonsense on my own forum and because he has stolen my photos and information in the past, I have NO desire to protect him from being accountable of malice on what I would consider a friend's forum. Here are the PMs... Message 1 sent Thursday evening [quote=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK]hi man, i mean there was a problem because of pic stuff. however now i don´t use any signature anymore, but sill the pics i ahve used have the signature. however i have never used one of your bandogs and this is a fact. but the reason why others, wolf, crnoscrce1, realname and so on hate me is because i told them my opinion concerning their east european dogs and LGD hype. so beside the trouble we had, i am pretty sure you agree to some of my views. i guess you know enough about the German Mastiff to know that i am right! -link- what they said about the German Mastiff being a Greek dog and the closest descendant of the so called Serbian Sylvan is ridiculous! cheers andreas[/quote] Message 2 sent Thursday night [quote=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK][quote=LeeRobinson] You used photos of my EMs without my permission. I am willing to let by gones be by gones as long as I don't see you post anymore stolen photos of dogs belonging to other people.[/quote] yes, i think we should move on. if i really used an EM from you, then i didn´t know it was yours. probably i thought it was a damn good looking EM. so i never used bandogs belonging to you. p.s. the claims about Serbain Sylvans being the nacestors of all "gripping dogs" (to use Tonedogs words) is plain stupid and the claim the German Mastiff was the ancestor of some kind of Serbian Sylvan is damn stupid too, as the German Mastiff goes back to british hounds and mastiffs and the other statement the German Mastiff being Greek, lol some kind epir moloss is as well [censored]. i exposed [censored] for what it is. they want to realted every dog to east european LGDs out of sheer nationalism. i guess you know that i am right and they are simply angry about somebody told their breed profiles are full of crap. gary is not to blame, but wolf, crnoscre1 and Tonedog who defends this crap. this is way more realistic: -link- Tonedog even claims the serbian sylvan is the "grandfather figure" of ambulls, presas etc. -link- this is damn ridiculous. cheers[/quote] message 3 sent Friday... [quote=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK][quote=LeeRobinson] My honest opinion is it is ridiculous. Instead of arguing the issue...go work some dogs. History doesn't change. What we do with our time however does. Spend your time wisely on things that matter.[/quote] you are right lee. good to see we both agree here. i used to make a mistake with the pics i admit that. i also have to admit your dogs are in damn good shape, i like that! people here are mostly using rottweilers, GSD and Malinois and the latter you see more and more. i must say malinois are incredible dog. p.s. BVLGARI is real and i wrote some tetxts for here because i was pissed that they lie so much about history and want everything to be a east european LGD or a direct ancestor of it. lol now tonedogs says they (all the bully breeds) are the descendants of the Serbian Sylvan. what a joke! i think it is very unethical what bright did, showing pms of her and posting them here. this normally should be a reason to ban a person. she replaced the avatar and offerend anybody to contact her on the phone. she is real i talked to her, but i agree i used her for my camapaign against this east european LGD hype. i mean if they love these dogs it is OK, but lying about the German Mastiff making fake breed profiles and stealing western history is not OK! this pissed me off.[/quote]
                                                                                          • I posted the above because this thief has no right to discuss ethics. He has been warned and stolen stuff for years. He has not worked dogs and tried to preach about working dogs as if he was an expert on the matter...meanwhile not having any hands on experience...none. So being he made his bed, I figure he can now lay in it. I don't respect him in any way, shape or form. Forgive him...yes. Forget him...no.
                                                                                            • He's a ridiculous human being, but did he write those after being banned? I'm confused?
                                                                                              • I got them on Thursday and Friday. When was he banned?
                                                                                                • he was banned on saturday.. even if BVL is a separate account as he claims (which is not), they would still have to be banned for colluding to create disharmony here.. it is very bad.. [blockquote]p.s. BVLGARI is real and i wrote some tetxts for here because i was pissed that they lie so much about history and want everything to be a east european LGD or a direct ancestor of it.[/blockquote] here, he admits that he wrote several posts by BVL account which has the same effect of using a fake profile in the mischief.. and even if there is a separate person called 'jenny' as he claims (I'm sure there is no Jenny), jenny should also be banned for colluding with Andreas to cause this mischief. how could a new comer to the board have so much grudge against wolf n his friends?? quite unnatural, isn't it?? who could have used BVL account against these people?? thats the point I always wanted to make and he admits it here.. [blockquote]he is real i talked to her, but i agree i used her for my camapaign against this east european LGD hype.[/blockquote] anyhow, he is already banned.. but I wrote this as a justification for the same.. that is, why he ought to have been banned, and why the ban is correct..
                                                                                                  • Well i don't think BVL is another person.... If you closely see the PM's of BVL posted by Arun , in some of PM BVL had written - 'regards Jen ' same like Andreas do and also he often use - P.S........ ( just same like BVL used in the end of PM ) Its typical style of Andreas.... to gain sympathy and respect with those words . But those are Fake to me... Because he don't really mean - 'Bro' and regards thing from heart !!!
                                                                                                    • I have being a member here for at list 2 years maybe more.I seldom post but i visit the forum regularly. Wolf, Astibus, Cnorce1 and a few others kept me coming back and learning. It is terrible what happened but Wolf needs to come back. Yes he has shortcomings like all of us but his contribution to the forum has being invaluable.
                                                                                                      • Wolf knew exactly what he was doing and what would happen. He knows the rules - after all he helped me write or formulate them. There is no excuse for his behavior and the language used. Coming back is up to him but behavior like his is not accepted. I will now lock this thread because the proof that I sought was presented and action taken.
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