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Spanish Magazine Neo

These ARE Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing! Do u mind if I take these pic's over to Neo Owners? =O)
Replies (17)
    • I was at a friends house recently, going through his collection of Spanish magazines etc for presa pics, and came across one that was dedicated to the Neo. It looked quite old in comparison to some of the others in his collection, and knowing how you guys seem to like your old photos of Neos, I thought I'd put the pics up here for you to enjoy, if you haven't seen them already. Unforunately, my friend doesn't have a scanner of any kind, so these are pics of pics taken with my camera ;) and IMO, the last one looks more like a presa then a Neo, but I swear to you it was in the Neo article.. Carla
      • These ARE Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing! Do u mind if I take these pic's over to Neo Owners? =O)
        • WOW they look great! unbelievable what show breeders have done to their breed, seems almost like they didn't like their breed. why changing a breed so much if you like it? i have asked the neopolitan breeders here some polite questions, but obviously they are only on this site to promote their dogs and spaming the board with pictures.
          • I brought them back for you guys- do what you want with them (within reason of course)
            • [quote1259583585=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK] WOW they look great! unbelievable what show breeders have done to their breed, seems almost like they didn't like their breed. why changing a breed so much if you like it? i have asked the neopolitan breeders here some polite questions, but obviously they are only on this site to promote their dogs and spaming the board with pictures. [/quote1259583585] Thats a pretty unecessary generalization and a negative one at that... I know at least a few of them that frequent this board that would be more than happy to answer your questions. Thats if you could assemble them in an intelligible way ;)
              • This is a breed that i have seen change in front of my eyes. Every year they have seemed to get more and more Extreme. It makes me sick
                • Earlier on the forum we had a topic called [url=http://molosserdogs.com/forum46.html]changes to the neapolitan mastiff[/url] where some owners and breeders dismiss the changes as just people hating a do they do not own or like. I don't think that to be true. Most of use who lament on the current state of the breed do so out of love or respect for the breed and not just to talk trash. If you have a few hours of spare time and want to catch up on the topic have a look at this http://molosserdogs.com/forum46.html Thos are very nice dogs in the photos posted.
                  • Andreas-You definitely talking to the wrong people. There are some great people who understand and see changes in the breed...AND are willing to talk about them! I for one would like to see a happy medium between past and present....Very rarely do dogs stay unchanged, but I agree some of the more drastic changes are totally unnecessary. Great pic's Stealing them now-lol
                    • [quote1259597656=Jrouble] [quote1259583585=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK] WOW they look great! unbelievable what show breeders have done to their breed, seems almost like they didn't like their breed. why changing a breed so much if you like it? i have asked the neopolitan breeders here some polite questions, but obviously they are only on this site to promote their dogs and spaming the board with pictures. [/quote1259583585] Thats a pretty unecessary generalization and a negative one at that... I know at least a few of them that frequent this board that would be more than happy to answer your questions. Thats if you could assemble them in an intelligible way ;) [/quote1259597656] [color=#660000]believe me mate, i have done it an intelligible way. i have asked why (and i guess you know the two italian breeders that showed dogs here) the dogs get bred for more and more lose skin, so that it almost hangs to the ground, the eyes are closed because the skin covers them etc. it is a fact that show oriented people have changed the breed into a caricarture! i don't say every neoploitan looks that way, but a lot of them look like that and that has nothing do with some "natural" changes that happen in every breed! i could show you 50 pics more like that, but i don't want to spam the thread with these pics.[/color] [URL=http://www.radikal.ru][/URL] [color=#660000]i now that people like babigirl and another female here don't produce these dogs, but fact is many show people love these unhealthy dogs! what doesn't mean other breeds and their health are not effected by show breeders! just have a look here and look how champions walk.[/color] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIaM3hYFszc
                      • that is a great program well worth a look if you have not all ready seen it. at crufts this year it almost came to blows with me and a few people showing there neos they have bugged them up and they don't like it when you tall them. i can remember going to a so could top show breeders kennels here in the UK about 13 or 14 years ago and having a look at his stock some great dogs there but he had just imported one dog from Italy it cud just about stand with massive bone and feet and a mass of skin and he looked at me as if i was the nutter when he said that he was going to breed from it. Thats not the sort of dog that i wont you would have to be a vet to look after it. this is the sort of neo that i would love to own not one like this
                        • One thing that really bugs me about this dog is he / she has a LOUSY front. i'I'd bet his gait is very incorrect. Scarlette [quote1259604639=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK] [quote1259597656=Jrouble] [quote1259583585=PUGNACES-BRITANNIAE-AK] WOW they look great! unbelievable what show breeders have done to their breed, seems almost like they didn't like their breed. why changing a breed so much if you like it? i have asked the neopolitan breeders here some polite questions, but obviously they are only on this site to promote their dogs and spaming the board with pictures. [/quote1259583585] Thats a pretty unecessary generalization and a negative one at that... I know at least a few of them that frequent this board that would be more than happy to answer your questions. Thats if you could assemble them in an intelligible way ;) [/quote1259597656] [color=#660000]believe me mate, i have done it an intelligible way. i have asked why (and i guess you know the two italian breeders that showed dogs here) the dogs get bred for more and more lose skin, so that it almost hangs to the ground, the eyes are closed because the skin covers them etc. it is a fact that show oriented people have changed the breed into a caricarture! i don't say every neoploitan looks that way, but a lot of them look like that and that has nothing do with some "natural" changes that happen in every breed! i could show you 50 pics more like that, but i don't want to spam the thread with these pics.[/color] [URL=http://www.radikal.ru][/URL] [color=#660000]i now that people like babigirl and another female here don't produce these dogs, but fact is many show people love these unhealthy dogs! what doesn't mean other breeds and their health are not effected by show breeders! just have a look here and look how champions walk.[/color] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIaM3hYFszc [/quote1259604639]
                          • Beautiful dogs and C(@)8-|arla I agree with you about the last one . When I was first looking at them I wondered if one was a Villano 8-)[quote1259604868=Presadam] I was at a friends house recently, going through his collection of Spanish magazines etc for presa pics, and came across one that was dedicated to the Neo. It looked quite old in comparison to some of the others in his collection, and knowing how you guys seem to like your old photos of Neos, I thought I'd put the pics up here for you to enjoy, if you haven't seen them already. Unforunately, my friend doesn't have a scanner of any kind, so these are pics of pics taken with my camera ;) and IMO, the last one looks more like a presa then a Neo, but I swear to you it was in the Neo article.. Carla [/quote1259604868]
                            • Trouble is there's more people breeding overdone than there is people breeding functional Neo's. Most Breeding functional Neo's just can't be @rsed with the show/ overdone/ to much wrinkle blah blah :) and if you really want to be cynical you could mention Money!!
                              • these old pictures are amazin.... the new pics disgust me.
                                • [quote]why changing a breed so much if you like it? i have asked the neopolitan breeders here some polite questions, but obviously they are only on this site to promote their dogs and spaming the board with pictures. [quote]i now that people like babigirl and another female here don't produce these dogs, but fact is many show people love these unhealthy dogs![/quote] what doesn't mean other breeds and their health are not effected by show breeders! just have a look here and look how champions walk. [/quote] First you said the first paragraph, then you said the second - do I even need to point out the contradiction here? All I said was that you made a vastly generalised statement that was unwarranted and unecessary, then you proved me right by naming exceptions to your outrageous claim of your own accord. Also not I never disagreed with what you are saying: I hate the fact Neo's are changing and being bred for ridiculous type... it disgusting and destroying what was once a venerable breed. All I disagree'd with was the fact you labelled "EVERY" neo breeder as these such people... And to answer your previous question, I was born in Taormina, Sicily - around 2 hours south of Messina... I lived in Italy (Sicily and Mainland) for most of my life on and off, I've seen more decent neo's than you have had hot dinners, so again - be careful with the assumptions and loose generalisations or you may find yourself looking like a fool :)
                                  • Oops..guess I set you guys off again. Didn't meant to start another arguement, just wanted to share these old pics, which represent what I always though a Neo was, and this is how they looked when i got into the presas. You look at these old pics (which I do prefer), and they look just a few jumps away from the Corsos to me...maybe that's one reason the exaggerations started? To easliy differentiate for the general public from the Corsos? just a thought.. That last picture keeps bothering me...you can see the caption above refers to it as a Neo, but there is a presa article in the same mag...I'm thinking the photo people just put it in the wrong article...
                                    • Forgot... This magazine is still in publication, although this looks a very early edition. Here is there website: www.elmundodelperro.net
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