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Staph Infections

Shaph overgrowth is usually due to an underlying allergy, most of often food. There are individuals that are also sensitive to the microbe itself, but this is very rare. If treating for staph infections, please do so under the advisory of a Vet with a culture and sensitivity test. If treating empirically, you can create a larger more dangerous problem like MRSA. This is not something to mess around with. Some common antibiotics actually increase the instance of mutation in some microbes; if you don't know for sure what you are doing, you can exasperate the problem. I just saw such a case with a UTI. Now the E Coli infecting is resistant to almost everything, due to empirical antibiotic use.
Replies (5)
    • Someone broadcasted a message about Staphylococcus on their dog. Staph is a bacterial allergy. Several species of Staphylococcus (Staph) bacteria live on normal dog skin. Normally Staph does not cause a problem with its host, but some dogs develop an allergy to it. With this type of allergy the dog develops areas of hair loss that look much like ring worm. These areas become infected and need to be treated with antibiotics. The Staph allergic dog usually has recurrent Staph infections Please [url=http://www.goshen.edu/bio/Biol206/Biol206LabProject/ARSAProject/treatment.html]see this[/url] page for natural and medicinal treatments. Always try our search function first - we have many articles and resources on this site.
      • I forgot about this great post. :)
        • Thank you for the info! What antibiotics should a dog intake?
          • Shaph overgrowth is usually due to an underlying allergy, most of often food. There are individuals that are also sensitive to the microbe itself, but this is very rare. If treating for staph infections, please do so under the advisory of a Vet with a culture and sensitivity test. If treating empirically, you can create a larger more dangerous problem like MRSA. This is not something to mess around with. Some common antibiotics actually increase the instance of mutation in some microbes; if you don't know for sure what you are doing, you can exasperate the problem. I just saw such a case with a UTI. Now the E Coli infecting is resistant to almost everything, due to empirical antibiotic use.
            • A staph medication varies but oral antibiotics are the best way to treat it. You must always follow a vet's prescription and stick with it until he told you to stop.
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