TM price
Well i dont know that whater this is entirly true or not but i have read about this in a tibetian newspaper that some TM tsang Khyi type were sold for 1 mil US dolars....even there puppies cost around 6000 to 8000 US dolars
- · joe888
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is true i know alot of tm .the pure 1 not alot the most i see they sell for 8 mill in china chinese money.real tm is so big.u wont belive until u see it. i see the one at usa is not wild as the one at china,tm at china is so wild they really agg.there is few web site is for tm but of coruse is chineses but if any of u like tm u can email me and i send u some pic.there is few tm now at china is 200 to 230 pound.they can fight i see a video tm fight a take him down easy.but at the end tm dont want to fight nomore.cause a dog dont feel u can do any damage to them they just turn around and just dont let u bite him on the throut -
- · unknown
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joe888 - I'd like to see that site, woulds you post a URL to it? Thank you -
- · Astibus
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[quote=cornelio]I don't know if it is true, but I have read in wikipedia (sometimes a very unreliable source of information) that there are only 300 pure tibetan mastiffs in the world and that a TM adult couls cost up to a 1 million of US dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote]Hm, pure as in "what they looked like 80 years ago"...or pure as in "grossly exaggerated modern chinese type"? I am not so sure what "pure" in the context of Tibetan Mastiff means anyway. [blockquote]I have heard about english bulldogs costing from 60 thousand (mariobull in guatemala and best bulldogs in latin america) to a couple of hundred of dollars in England, but 1 million of dollars is EXAGGERATED.[/blockquote] No, you are wrong! Because 60 thousand dollars is exaggerated as well. Since we're at it, I believe that 6000 USD is exaggerated. But that's just me...treating dogs as......well,... just dogs! (I know, it's insane, isn't it?!) -
- · unknown
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I would love to see the breeder that chargers 60 grand per dog. -
- · joe888
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6000 $ it dont lok like a real tm.if u go to some chineses web site u can see a real tm cost alot alot .they lok like a lion they neck got alot of hair .cause they fight alot thoses hair is protect their neck.if u guy any of u have yahoo massenger mu name is bangbangcrack.if u see me there i can show u some pic.cause some pic i have i cant post here on public ,but i can show it to my friend.on chat u know what i m saying.a real tm 200 p easy.most of it is bl brown tan and some white. -
- · unknown
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What I have read so far on the TM there is a rare line of them whose temperments are more like the original TM. It is supposed to be crazy mean. I would assume that the only people buying these guys would be breeders wanting to sell this line of the TM. It would be interesting to see how true this is. -
- · cornelio
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[quote=Astibus"][quote="cornelio]I don't know if it is true, but I have read in wikipedia (sometimes a very unreliable source of information) that there are only 300 pure tibetan mastiffs in the world and that a TM adult couls cost up to a 1 million of US dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote]Hm, pure as in "what they looked like 80 years ago"...or pure as in "grossly exaggerated modern chinese type"? I am not so sure what "pure" in the context of Tibetan Mastiff means anyway. [blockquote]I have heard about english bulldogs costing from 60 thousand (mariobull in guatemala and best bulldogs in latin america) to a couple of hundred of dollars in England, but 1 million of dollars is EXAGGERATED.[/blockquote] No, you are wrong! Because 60 thousand dollars is exaggerated as well. Since we're at it, I believe that 6000 USD is exaggerated. But that's just me...treating dogs as......well,... just dogs! (I know, it's insane, isn't it?!)[/quote] Hey, hey , hey, I'm against this elitism of some breeders. A dog for X thousands!!!! is surreal. There is people around the world that gain a thousand dollars in a year. I hate the capitalism involving some breeders. Just hate it!!!!! Is f******* evil :twisted: -
- · unknown
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[quote=Astibus"][quote="cornelio] I am not so sure what "pure" in the context of Tibetan Mastiff means anyway. [/quote] Dan, I think you can find "pure" TM of days gone by in some remote forgotten pass in the Sarplanina mountain range. :wink: :lol: -
- · joe888
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at china some 1 just buy a tm with 1 mill usa money.the pure tm not alot in the world.u think few g u can get 1.u need to go to some chinese web to see a real tm.they agg like hell.1 i dont belive it until i went to hk to see 1. -
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[blockquote] . A dog for X thousands!!!! is surreal. There is people around the world that gain a thousand dollars in a year. I hate the capitalism involving some breeders. Just hate it!!!!! Is f******* evil [/blockquote] I agree it is crazy. But if enough people will pay the price they will supply the product for almost anything. [/url]
- · unknown
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[quote=apsiber]What I have read so far on the TM there is a rare line of them whose temperments are more like the original TM. It is supposed to be crazy mean. I would assume that the only people buying these guys would be breeders wanting to sell this line of the TM. It would be interesting to see how true this is.[/quote] 8O 8O 8O -
- · joe888
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like the 1 u just post is not a real tm.i show u some pic than u will know what a real tm lok yahoo messanger is bangbangcrack i m there now so if u want to see it add me i show u -
- · unknown
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I think that pictures may give me some bad dreams tonight. -
- · joe888
- · if u guy can see that pl let me know .this a real tm -
- · unknown
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joe888...the pic was a joke to apsiber when he talked about "crazy mean" :lol: :wink: do you need help with posting pics?? -
- · unknown
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The url has to end with a picture of an image so I put, inbetween
so goto Then click on a pictures, then cut and past that inbetween.
- · unknown
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[quote="joe888"][/quote] you can't upload them from your computer...go to photobucket and set up an account and then you can upload the pics from your comp to this hosting site...then copy the code and then put it inbetween the
- · unknown
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no. I think it may have to began with http:. I don't think you use a file on your computer. I have never tried that. Maybe someone else knows. -
- · unknown
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[quote=cornelio"][quote="Astibus"][quote="cornelio]I don't know if it is true, but I have read in wikipedia (sometimes a very unreliable source of information) that there are only 300 pure tibetan mastiffs in the world and that a TM adult couls cost up to a 1 million of US dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote]Hm, pure as in "what they looked like 80 years ago"...or pure as in "grossly exaggerated modern chinese type"? I am not so sure what "pure" in the context of Tibetan Mastiff means anyway. [blockquote]I have heard about english bulldogs costing from 60 thousand (mariobull in guatemala and best bulldogs in latin america) to a couple of hundred of dollars in England, but 1 million of dollars is EXAGGERATED.[/blockquote] No, you are wrong! Because 60 thousand dollars is exaggerated as well. Since we're at it, I believe that 6000 USD is exaggerated. But that's just me...treating dogs as......well,... just dogs! (I know, it's insane, isn't it?!)[/quote] Hey, hey , hey, I'm against this elitism of some breeders. A dog for X thousands!!!! is surreal. There is people around the world that gain a thousand dollars in a year. I hate the capitalism involving some breeders. Just hate it!!!!! Is f******* evil :twisted:[/quote] This is America, they can charge what they want. Thank God for that. -
- · Astibus
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[quote=TheVoice"][quote="cornelio"][quote="Astibus"][quote="cornelio]I don't know if it is true, but I have read in wikipedia (sometimes a very unreliable source of information) that there are only 300 pure tibetan mastiffs in the world and that a TM adult couls cost up to a 1 million of US dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote]Hm, pure as in "what they looked like 80 years ago"...or pure as in "grossly exaggerated modern chinese type"? I am not so sure what "pure" in the context of Tibetan Mastiff means anyway. [blockquote]I have heard about english bulldogs costing from 60 thousand (mariobull in guatemala and best bulldogs in latin america) to a couple of hundred of dollars in England, but 1 million of dollars is EXAGGERATED.[/blockquote] No, you are wrong! Because 60 thousand dollars is exaggerated as well. Since we're at it, I believe that 6000 USD is exaggerated. But that's just me...treating dogs as......well,... just dogs! (I know, it's insane, isn't it?!)[/quote] Hey, hey , hey, I'm against this elitism of some breeders. A dog for X thousands!!!! is surreal. There is people around the world that gain a thousand dollars in a year. I hate the capitalism involving some breeders. Just hate it!!!!! Is f******* evil :twisted:[/quote] This is America, they can charge what they want. Thank God for that.[/quote] How do YOU know?! I thought you're a french dude living in Canada?! :lol: :lol: Brad?? :D -
- · unknown
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[quote=Astibus"][quote="TheVoice"][quote="cornelio"][quote="Astibus"][quote="cornelio]I don't know if it is true, but I have read in wikipedia (sometimes a very unreliable source of information) that there are only 300 pure tibetan mastiffs in the world and that a TM adult couls cost up to a 1 million of US dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote]Hm, pure as in "what they looked like 80 years ago"...or pure as in "grossly exaggerated modern chinese type"? I am not so sure what "pure" in the context of Tibetan Mastiff means anyway. [blockquote]I have heard about english bulldogs costing from 60 thousand (mariobull in guatemala and best bulldogs in latin america) to a couple of hundred of dollars in England, but 1 million of dollars is EXAGGERATED.[/blockquote] No, you are wrong! Because 60 thousand dollars is exaggerated as well. Since we're at it, I believe that 6000 USD is exaggerated. But that's just me...treating dogs as......well,... just dogs! (I know, it's insane, isn't it?!)[/quote] Hey, hey , hey, I'm against this elitism of some breeders. A dog for X thousands!!!! is surreal. There is people around the world that gain a thousand dollars in a year. I hate the capitalism involving some breeders. Just hate it!!!!! Is f******* evil :twisted:[/quote] This is America, they can charge what they want. Thank God for that.[/quote] How do YOU know?! I thought you're a french dude living in Canada?! :lol: :lol: Brad?? :D[/quote] Please, enough of the conspiracy theories. It is making you appear paranoid. I am right across the USA border, I do work in the USA and this is a USA based message board. -
- · Astibus
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What conspiracy theories?! You just joined a few days ago, couldn't have possibly read about previous suspicions... You are Francois from Strassbourg, yet your French in chat sucks as bad as an online translator can possibly be...and thank God we live in America. :lol: It's not paranoia, when your behavior proves completely incoherent, you know. ;-) Especially with a success rate of exposing "fakes" or "puppets", that surely justifies a little bit of caution. :) -
- · unknown
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Whatever makes you happy. Now, if you do not find value in the prices that a breeder charges simply do not buy from that breeder. But to say it is evil is extreme. -
- · Astibus
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[quote=TheVoice]Now, if you do not find value in the prices that a breeder charges simply do not buy from that breeder.[/quote] I actually agree with this,'s a free society and a free market. But I can still call it exaggerated or ridiculous and choose not to buy a dog for this crazy amount of money. Just as I wouldn't spend a million bucks for a slice of toast with the picture of Jesus burned onto it. Although others do. ;-) Dan -
- · unknown
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[quote=Astibus] Just as I wouldn't spend a million bucks for a slice of toast with the picture of Jesus burned onto it. Although others do. ;-) Dan[/quote] I though Jesus only appeared on Fajitas??? Yes,Yes,Yes , I know...The Nuns already told me were I'm going. -
- · joe888
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some people will buy it some people really depend on the u guy can see the tm pic.ask urself how many of u really see a dog lok like a lion and above 180pound dog, u ever see a dog lok like that in ur life.the pure tm not alot of them in the whole world they r father of all lgd.if u read alot of book tell u they r the 1 fighting dog and back than everything is bigger than now.i saw some black and white tibet pic those tm is super size and even bigger than the pic i this day the tm is smaller already.if 1 mill i can own something not everybody have why not.just a little dimond cost few mill and someone will buy it,but to me is just a little really depend how much money that person have.the tm that cost 2 mill usa money over 40 people try to buy start from 1.5mill.alot of u say u wont buy it.what happen if u have 1000mill.than u wont talk like this nomore. -
- · unknown
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[quote=joe888]some people will buy it some people really depend on the u guy can see the tm pic.ask urself how many of u really see a dog lok like a lion and above 180pound dog, u ever see a dog lok like that in ur life.the pure tm not alot of them in the whole world they r father of all lgd.if u read alot of book tell u they r the 1 fighting dog and back than everything is bigger than now.i saw some black and white tibet pic those tm is super size and even bigger than the pic i this day the tm is smaller already.if 1 mill i can own something not everybody have why not.just a little dimond cost few mill and someone will buy it,but to me is just a little really depend how much money that person have.the tm that cost 2 mill usa money over 40 people try to buy start from 1.5mill.alot of u say u wont buy it.what happen if u have 1000mill.than u wont talk like this nomore.[/quote] Yeah, from what I read from a link someone posted, owning a TM is becoming a status symbol in China as it starts to become wealthy. -
- · Astibus
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[quote=joe888]ask urself how many of u really see a dog lok like a lion and above 180pound dog, u ever see a dog lok like that in ur life.[/quote] No, I gotta say I've never seen a "dog" like that. [quote=joe888]the pure tm not alot of them in the whole world they r father of all lgd. if u read alot of book tell u they r the 1 fighting dog [/quote]Fathers of all LGD, awesome. That must make them very special, right? Best fighters too, wow! [quote=joe888]and back than everything is bigger than now.i saw some black and white tibet pic those tm is super size and even bigger than the pic i post.[/quote]Of course everything was bigger back then. I mean...just look at the dinosaurs, right?! [quote=joe888]now this day the tm is smaller already.[/quote]What a shame! :( You'd say what, down from 400lbs to 200lbs? [quote=joe888]if 1 mill i can own something not everybody have why not.[/quote]Yes, that is probably the best strategy to seek out (or breed) a dog really. Who wouldn't pay a million $$ for a "lion" on the living room sofa! :) [quote=joe888]what happen if u have 1000mill.than u wont talk like this nomore.[/quote]I would probably buy myself 1000 TMs; what else really?! Dan -
- · Astibus
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[quote="joe888"]now in tibet all wealthy people have one at home .they bark alot and deep voice[/quote]I can only imagine what others might call these dogs. nerveb....naah, couldn't possibly be, as they are practically the same as COs. See [url=]Caucasian relation to Tibetan Mastiff[/url] :wink: -
- · unknown
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All of these threads got so much more interesting since I installed the retardovision monitor on my computer. Now I don't get irritated by clowns anymore, but actually see them the way clowns are supposed to be seen - as a form of entertainment. Retardovision - money well spent. It's the shiznit, yo! -
- · joe888
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joe888 wrote: ask urself how many of u really see a dog lok like a lion and above 180pound dog, u ever see a dog lok like that in ur life. No, I gotta say I've never seen a "dog" like that. ''i know u never see one like that,thats why u talking trash about cause u never can afford one '' joe888 wrote: the pure tm not alot of them in the whole world they r father of all lgd. if u read alot of book tell u they r the 1 fighting dog Fathers of all LGD, awesome. That must make them very special, right? Best fighters too, wow! '''is special can u read some one post it already somebody buy one for half mill..2 thing is learn how to read i say;;1 fighting dog not the best fighting dog;;may be u learn how to fight before bruse lee but u think u can kick his ass i dont think so.god give people brain to''' joe888 wrote: and back than everything is bigger than now.i saw some black and white tibet pic those tm is super size and even bigger than the pic i post. Of course everything was bigger back then. I mean...just look at the dinosaurs, right?! th god u know what dinosaurs is.. joe888 wrote: now this day the tm is smaller already. What a shame! You'd say what, down from 400lbs to 200lbs? ''what a shame that people dont have brain,,a 10x10wood is bigger than a 2x2 iron.but which one is heavier.comeon it depend is fat or all cut up.this is a stupid question from a 4 years kid.bigger dont mean is heavier???may be around 260pound thats what people tell me.. joe888 wrote: if 1 mill i can own something not everybody have why not. Yes, that is probably the best strategy to seek out (or breed) a dog really. Who wouldn't pay a million $$ for a "lion" on the living room sofa! ''' i m not a dog breeder. i just like tm.i have a German Shepherd Dog.i cant afford a tm but i dont talk trash about it.everything have their own value.even i cant afford it but i dont talk trash about it.there is the big topic say;;;TM PRICE'' here if people dont like it why bother come in here to talk about it; joe888 wrote: what happen if u have 1000mill.than u wont talk like this nomore. I would probably buy myself 1000 TMs; what else really?! '''i dont have 1000mill yet so i cant say anything but i can say if i do 1 day i will buy 2 tm not 1000.cause that is retard''' -
- · joe888
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[quote="joe888"]joe888 wrote: ask urself how many of u really see a dog lok like a lion and above 180pound dog, u ever see a dog lok like that in ur life. Astibus wrote; [blockquote]No, I gotta say I've never seen a "dog" like that. [/blockquote] joe888 wrote; [blockquote]''i know u never see one like that,thats why u talking trash about cause u never can afford one ''[/blockquote] joe888 wrote: [blockquote]the pure tm not alot of them in the whole world they r father of all lgd. if u read alot of book tell u they r the 1 fighting dog [/blockquote] Astibus wrote; [blockquote]Fathers of all LGD, awesome. That must make them very special, right? Best fighters too, wow! [/blockquote] joe888 wrote; [blockquote]'''is special can u read some one post it already somebody buy one for half mill..2 thing is learn how to read i say;;1 fighting dog not the best fighting dog;;may be u learn how to fight before bruse lee but u think u can kick his ass i dont think so.god give people brain to'''[/blockquote] joe888 wrote: [blockquote]and back than everything is bigger than now.i saw some black and white tibet pic those tm is super size and even bigger than the pic i post. [/blockquote] Astibus wrote; [blockquote]Of course everything was bigger back then. I mean...just look at the dinosaurs, right?! [/blockquote] joe888 wrote; [blockquote]th god u know what dinosaurs is..[/blockquote] joe888 wrote: [blockquote]now this day the tm is smaller already. [/blockquote] Astibus wrote; [blockquote]What a shame! You'd say what, down from 400lbs to 200lbs?[/blockquote] joe888 wrote; [blockquote];''what a shame that people dont have brain,,a 10x10wood is bigger than a 2x2 iron.but which one is heavier.comeon it depend is fat or all cut up.this is a stupid question from a 4 years kid.bigger dont mean is heavier???may be around 260pound thats what people tell me..[/blockquote] joe888 wrote: [blockquote]if 1 mill i can own something not everybody have why not.[/blockquote] Astibus wrote; [blockquote]Yes, that is probably the best strategy to seek out (or breed) a dog really. Who wouldn't pay a million $$ for a "lion" on the living room sofa! [/blockquote] joe888 wrote; [blockquote]''' i m not a dog breeder. i just like tm.i have a German Shepherd Dog.i cant afford a tm but i dont talk trash about it.everything have their own value.even i cant afford it but i dont talk trash about it.there is the big topic say;;;TM PRICE'' here if people dont like it why bother come in here to talk about it;[/blockquote] joe888 wrote: [blockquote]what happen if u have 1000mill.than u wont talk like this nomore. [/blockquote] astibus wrote; [blockquote]I would probably buy myself 1000 TMs; what else really?! [/blockquote] joe888 wrote; [blockquote]'''i dont have 1000mill yet so i cant say anything but i can say if i do 1 day i will buy 2 tm not 1000.cause that is retard'''[/blockquote][/quote] -
- · unknown
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Hey Joe, Can you find a breeder of that dog in the pic? -
- · joe888
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[quote=apsiber]Hey Joe, Can you find a breeder of that dog in the pic?[/quote]yes in china .they have some here but not as big and aggresive than the one at china.i saw one at china website he sell for 50000us but the mom and dad r little mix tm not 100%. -
- · unknown
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What about this guy?
- · joe888
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[quote="apsiber"]What about this guy?[/quote]yea that is a nice tm.give me ur email i send u some pic u never see
- · Astibus
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[quote=joe888]may be u learn how to fight before bruse lee but u think u can kick his ass i dont think so.[/quote] I don't know man, but I really think I could take on bruse lee. :D :nchuck [quote=joe888]god give people brain to think[/quote] mhm -
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Has anyone seen the supposed stone drawings of the TM in the caves of the Himalayas? Or is it true that they actually exist? I mean a picture of them not actually in person for you smart -a*#&& out there. -
- · unknown
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This is a Bandog? I Sure looks like it Hasa heavy TM influence in it Thank you Scarlette[quote="apsiber"]The url has to end with a picture of an image so I put, inbetween
so goto Then click on a pictures, then cut and past that inbetween.[/quote]
- · unknown
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This guy is very handsome :wink: :D I went to the link you provided and how I wish I could read chinese :noway , but bthe majority of the dogs on that site impressed yours truly. Scarlette [quote="apsiber"]What about this guy?[/quote]
- · dkoriss
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[quote1255946329=sodapop1124] [quote=apsiber]What I have read so far on the TM there is a rare line of them whose temperments are more like the original TM. It is supposed to be crazy mean. I would assume that the only people buying these guys would be breeders wanting to sell this line of the TM. It would be interesting to see how true this is.[/quote] 8O 8O 8O[/quote1255946329] Thanks for sharing the photo, My opinion this is what a guard dog should look like (as an expression not as phenotype in general) to any stranger to it. Also is very sad in our days to speak about true guard dog or true temperament/ instinct, this automatically means that we have already establish the FAKE one. Our ancestors never spoke about true temperament of guard dog. If it was not hard it was not guard dog, as simple as that.
- · dkoriss
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[quote1255947082=apsiber]The url has to end with a picture of an image so I put, inbetween
so goto Then click on a pictures, then cut and past that inbetween. [/quote1255947082] Thanks for sharing the photo. To my opinion this is what a guard dog should behave like at the presence of a stranger into his territory. I am not so amased about the exterionr of the dog, as about the message it clearly passes to the intruder and the way it does this!!! Congratulations for the photo.