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Trazan, one of my bandogs

Oh yes. Very nice indeed.  Congratulations Hugo.

Replies (7)
      • This dog could repair a lot of pedigree dogs, great structure and strong temp.

        • Oh yes. Very nice indeed.  Congratulations Hugo.

          • Tanks Jess and Gary!!!

            • Hi Hugo,

              How is your newest addition to your pack doing? We would like to learn about the development and temp when you have a chance to assess. I believe you have received a solid pup and can't wait to hear what you think.

              • Hi Gary, I have a few recent additions to the bunch. One buy out of my Presa Canario (dam) and my Bully Kutta (sire) named Rambo who is 9 weeks old. One AB girl named Charlotte who is around 12 weeks old; and a Neo boy named Vito who is around 13 weeks old. All of them are great, I will post a few videos.



                  Neo boy named Vito

                   Hey Hugo,

                  Thank you for replying.  Is this Neo from the USA?

                  That is quite a pack you have there - now all you need is a good CO. cool

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