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UKC Suspended and Barred List

The United Kennel Club is one of the premiere dog clubs in the United States.  Those of us with rare breed dogs who cannot and do not want to show in the American Kennel Club turns to the UKC.  The UKC has a list of suspended and barred persons and I was surprised to see a very familiar name on that list. Scroll down and look for Depalma, Jeannine, Wilson, NY. on the Suspended/Barred & Notified - INDEFINITE.

It is surprising because she is supposed to be the breed founder for the Central Asian Shepherd in the USA. I wonder if anyone knows the reason she is suspended and barred from the UKC.


Replies (4)
    • The United Kennel Club is one of the premiere dog clubs in the United States.  Those of us with rare breed dogs who cannot and do not want to show in the American Kennel Club turns to the UKC.  The UKC has a list of suspended and barred persons and I was surprised to see a very familiar name on that list. Scroll down and look for Depalma, Jeannine, Wilson, NY. on the Suspended/Barred & Notified - INDEFINITE.

      It is surprising because she is supposed to be the breed founder for the Central Asian Shepherd in the USA. I wonder if anyone knows the reason she is suspended and barred from the UKC.


      • Steep consequences ...


         a person who is suspended or barred is prohibited from the following:
        1. Registering any dogs in their name (joint or individual ownership). Any dogs currently registered in their name (joint or individual ownership) may be transferred, except that no dog registered in their name, regardless of co-ownership status, may be transferred to any member of their family, spouse, or companion. Companion is defined as anyone who resides at the same address as the suspended individual.
        2. Registering any litters and signing any litter registrations in any capacity. No dog registered in their name (joint or individual ownership) may be used for breeding and no offspring of such a dog is eligible for registration with UKC.
        3. Entering or participating in any way in any UKC Licensed event, including, but not limited to: co-owner, handler, back-up handler, judge, guide, vendor, spectator, Master of Hounds, Bench Show Judge, Judge or Director for any Conformation, Performance, or Companion event, and are prohibited from holding office in any UKC approved club or association.
        4. No dog registered in their name (joint or individual ownership) may be entered or participate in any way in any UKC Licensed event.
        5. Receiving any championship points or any wins toward a title for any dog registered in their name (joint or individual ownership).
        6. Advertising in any UKC publication or UKC internet site.
        7. Receiving monetary payouts from any UKC specialty program, such as the Performance Rewards Program..

        • I did find this Facebook link  ... It seems she lost her judging privileges in 2015

          • Wow!!!  WTF did she do?!?!?  That's pretty serious.

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