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Volka at 12, 13 and 14 months and still growing

Thanks for sharing photos of your great looking dog. Those would look really nice in an album.  Do you need help creating a photo album?


Replies (28)
    • here is volka at 13 and 14 months

      • Wow very big dog ! 

        • Wow - fantastic specimen.  He also has a very athletic and physically strong build.  Looking good.

          • here is 14 months

              • Thanks for sharing photos of your great looking dog. Those would look really nice in an album.  Do you need help creating a photo album?


                • yes how to proceed?

                  • Could you maybe tell us a bit about his character is ? 

                    • How is his movement?

                      (He has ver straight rear leggs)


                        Could you maybe tell us a bit about his character is ? 

                         Volka is very gentle and sweet with people and especially kids...however he can tell when there is trouble and then he can be very scary...he adores kids no matter what and also he loves puppies and is very gentle with them. he hates cats and coyotes...but there is a little blind stray kitten that he surprisingly likes. he is very very protective of me and is an excellent fearless guard dog despite his gentle character.


                          How is his movement?

                          (He has ver straight rear leggs)

                           yes when he is alert he tends to get straight rear legs which sometimes concerns me..also when he walks slowly he has a swaying rear end... the vet says he is just a big boy ......but it disappears as he moves a bit quicker. despite his weight and his rapid growth he never showed any lameness, he is very fast and agile. he seems lazy but when he wants to play and he is motivated he is tireless and a very very fast runner.

                          • Thank you for the info !


                              Thank you for the info !

                               here are the pros and cons if you want:

                              pros: he can tell the difference between an intruder and a friend- extremely gentle and careful around kids- he loves people and other dogs as long as they are nice to him-he loves puppies- very protective of me or any small kid around- adores little babies- when i am not home anybody becomes an intruder- excellent guard dog fearless and cannot be bribed- very quick and agile, tireless despite his weight and size- eyesight and smelling senses are extremely developed- persistent= does not have any food aggression-

                              cons: very independent when off leash will ignore the "come" command- very curious and inquisitive- explosive attack when it comes to wild animals like jackals hyenas or anything out there. unstoppable will ignore any command when attacking a wild animal or an intruder- no food aggression but sometimes  resource guarding of a toy or a bone but much better now- does not tolerate vet handling too much such as putting on a muzzle is impossible- finnicky eater when it comes to kibble prefers raw food- Very very loud bark and night at the slightest sound- 

                              • I recognize a few things in There with my dog.

                                your dog attacks hyena's ???????????????


                                  I recognize a few things in There with my dog.

                                  your dog attacks hyena's ???????????????

                                   yes we do have striped hyenas and he just cant tolerate them....he never had a fight with one he just attacks them but i stop him by tying him down to a close by tree or something because he pulls too much when he is attacking. how does your dog compare in character???

                                  by the way Volka comes from a fighting line..his grandfather was a very ferocious fighter and a champion among the unfortunately very common dog fighting here. his father is much bigger than his grandfather he is huge about 200 lbs and very ferocious but was not as good in fighting so they put him to guard a farm. Volka was born destined to fight i paid lots of money for him and rescued him basically from all that. i left him with natural ears and tail and raised him to be very gentle. so now he is really gentle ..his guarding and protective instincts started early around 6 months when he first tried to attack a man who was aggressive with me...but on the street when he sees someone who wants to pet him he is very very gentle.

                                  • It surprises me everytime how these dogs react on agression.

                                    When somebody shows agression it is like a switch. Normaly Inar looks like a teddy bear, very aloof

                                    but when somebody shows agression everything changes within a second and he looks like a monster.


                                      It surprises me everytime how these dogs react on agression.

                                      When somebody shows agression it is like a switch. Normaly Inar looks like a teddy bear, very aloof

                                      but when somebody shows agression everything changes within a second and he looks like a monster.

                                      hehe he is like Dr jeckel and Mr hyde ..especially at night he just transforms into a monster at the slightest threat. 

                                      only he surprised me the other day when (he usually wants to kill cats) he was approached by a little blind kitten, he was so gentle and he licked her..that shows his capacity of sensing the good from the bad. 

                                      also he loves playing tug of war with me...is this a common trait???


                                      • I dont know.

                                        I never played that kind of games with him because i know i will loose and that isnt a good thing.

                                        • My dog compares in making a difference in good an bad people and will also not take a bribe in a dangerous situation.

                                          when off leash the "come" command is also pretty hard ... she just ignores me then ...

                                          she also did some recource guarding over bones ... but i quickly put a stop to that.


                                            I dont know.

                                            I never played that kind of games with him because i know i will loose and that isnt a good thing.

                                             you are right now as he can beat me in that game i do not do it anymore...i am a strong man and lifted heavy weights all my life but still now i cannot hold him anymore... i dont want him to think he is stronger 


                                              My dog compares in making a difference in good an bad people and will also not take a bribe in a dangerous situation.

                                              when off leash the "come" command is also pretty hard ... she just ignores me then ...

                                              she also did some recource guarding over bones ... but i quickly put a stop to that.

                                               i worked hard on the resource guarding..he is  much better now he hasnt done it for a while. the come command is pretty hard with him ..he  does it on a long leash but once off leash he just often ignores me..unless i act like i fell down or calling for help.

                                              • Inar never ignore my commands.

                                                He walks off leash, sits down when a biker rings his bell))))

                                                But all because he is wearing an e-collar. works perfect for me.

                                                before the e-collar he attecked sheeps, cows, men 

                                                Now he can walk through a group of sheep and he dont even watch them.

                                                Totaly diffrent character, realy unbelievable

                                                • Haha Gilles you can't.  believe how hard i laught with the last part of your reply ... I used to do the very same thing :) 

                                                  and i also use an e collar with my dog just like desiree and this works perfectly ! 

                                                  • i probably need an e collar!! it seems its my answer,

                                                    desiree: funny how you said your dog attacks sheep...same here hehe ..he just loves to chase sheep...poor guys.. i tried to postpone the ecollar as much as i can but i think its about time now thanks a lot for the advice

                                                    • Gilles,

                                                      I only use it by emergencys. I dont use it for training.

                                                      I use the highest level, he cant ignore it because it really hurts.

                                                      But you have to watch out because the first time you will give him a shock he will runn away and it will be hard to get him bac to you.

                                                      The way i did it with the dog of my brother. I put him on a long leash and go to areas that will trigger him if he ignore a command i use the viber if he still ignores i give him a shock, pull the leash in my direction and let him sit in front of me than i say good boy  or what ever you use.

                                                      If you do it the wrong way your dog will be afraid and not confident.

                                                      you really need to be  careful because you can mess up your dogvery easily.

                                                      But using it the right way it works fantastic.

                                                      Two years ago inar killed the cat of my neighbour, when he sees a cat and wearing the e-collar i let him loose and he stays with me, he doesnt even look at the cat.

                                                      • thanx a lot desiree. good info. i will seek advice from my dog trainer friend and will tell him what you said this way i will have it covered

                                                        • Just be careful.

                                                          Its a huge impact, can works for you but used the wrong way against you.

                                                          Good luck.

                                                          If you want to know something well just ask.


                                                            Just be careful.

                                                            Its a huge impact, can works for you but used the wrong way against you.

                                                            Good luck.

                                                            If you want to know something well just ask.

                                                             thanks a lot you pointed out some important remarks regarding the E-collar. Till what age i should expect volka to grow because i feel that now he is gaining some bulk and his head is growing. 

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