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WDS Poland 2006

You defenetly need a Europassport to go to Poland and also check from the vetenary department what other extras are neede to take your dog there and back. On the World Winner Dog Show homepage is list of hotels you can go to with your dog and I am sure some comapny in Denmark wil make a special bus trip for the World winner dog show participant in Denmark. Ask the kennel club! Good Luck in there!
Replies (4)
    • Hey all, I have done some thoughts about taking my 11 month old puppy to the World Dog Show in Poland this year in November. I have a few qustions which I hope someone can help me with. In some parts of Europe it's required to have a passport for your dog to be allowed to bring your dog to a country. My question is if this only includes Sweden or should I also apply for one if I want to bring him to Poland? Another thing is the hotels - Is there anyone here who can recommend any nice hotels nearby the place of the show which allowes dogs for a couple of days? It would be a fantastic help! Thanks! :D Char
      • You defenetly need a Europassport to go to Poland and also check from the vetenary department what other extras are neede to take your dog there and back. On the World Winner Dog Show homepage is list of hotels you can go to with your dog and I am sure some comapny in Denmark wil make a special bus trip for the World winner dog show participant in Denmark. Ask the kennel club! Good Luck in there!
        • Thank you..!! I just do not want to pay that many money if he does not need it to go to Poland.. :) Then I will call the vet and arrange something.. From what I have seen on the WDS web-site there is not any information about hotels, but maybe I did not look well enough. I will try and see if I can find it.. :lol:
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