Westminister Invitees 2009
The following Tibetan Mastiffs have been invited to the Westminister Kennel Club show for 2009.
[list][*]CH Aujudon's Emperor Khan
[*]CH Drakyi Gold Standard
[*]CH Lafahhs Lokapala Drakyi
[*]CH Rinchen Dolma V. Altnaharra
[*]CH Shang-Hais Sachi
[*]CH Timberline Barni Drakyi[/list:u]
Congratulations to Rick for having three of the dogs bearing his kennel name Drakyi
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The following Tibetan Mastiffs have been invited to the Westminister Kennel Club show for 2009. [list][*]CH Aujudon's Emperor Khan [*]CH Drakyi Gold Standard [*]CH Lafahhs Lokapala Drakyi [*]CH Rinchen Dolma V. Altnaharra [*]CH Shang-Hais Sachi [*]CH Timberline Barni Drakyi[/list:u] Congratulations to Rick for having three of the dogs bearing his kennel name Drakyi -