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what a great dog

I just adopted a Tosa from a shelter. He's had a hard life, and I hope to give him a good loving home! He is lovable, stubborn, goes nuts when I come home from work, and follows me around my home. He was described as "a gentle giant", and he is with humans, and while he ignores most dogs, he will fight at the drop of a hat. It's scary how powerful he is, and I'm getting help from a professional trainer, since I live in an area with many dogs and don't want to see any dog get hurt. This link shows him at the shelter: http://www.nrochelleanimalshelter.org/Rocky.htm Hope this helps. Keith
Replies (8)
    • Today I went to see tosa dogs and fell in love with them. What i saw first was a male and a female, they sniff me and start playing with me. They seem as excellent companions, who can be aggresive with nobody in the house but a love with their master and friends. I don't know if these two tosas represent a generalization to all the others, but i can say that these examples of the breed were very loving pets. If any breeder or owner of the dog had something to say about the overall temperament of the breed, I will be grateful.
      • I just adopted a Tosa from a shelter. He's had a hard life, and I hope to give him a good loving home! He is lovable, stubborn, goes nuts when I come home from work, and follows me around my home. He was described as "a gentle giant", and he is with humans, and while he ignores most dogs, he will fight at the drop of a hat. It's scary how powerful he is, and I'm getting help from a professional trainer, since I live in an area with many dogs and don't want to see any dog get hurt. This link shows him at the shelter: http://www.nrochelleanimalshelter.org/Rocky.htm Hope this helps. Keith
        • [quote=kreardon]I just adopted a Tosa from a shelter. He's had a hard life, and I hope to give him a good loving home![/quote] Hi Keith, You did a wonderful and selfless thing by adopting your Tosa from a shelter. I hope he shows you the same kindness and love that you have shared with him. Good luck.
          • Hi Gary, Thank you for the kind words, but I think I got at least as much as I gave. He is a wonderful companian and walking partner, and is already bonding with me beautifully. Regards, Keith
            • Great dog and I'm sure he's gonna make a dandy best friend and companion. If you want to keep him happy and healthy run him 2 or 3 miles a day next to you on a bicycle. Walking him would wear you and your shoes out before he was even starting to sweat ( slobber ) Right now he's way overweight and outta shape.
              • They are great dogs, I have a tosa x pit blend Swinford. He is only 25% tosa but has taken after the genes. He is great with the family (wife and kid) he is also good with my other 3 dogs but as you say can change at the drop of a hat and has shown that when we have been approached by other stray dogs and humans on our walks. Its like someone switched a power boost switch incredible power I understand what you are saying and your right about walking them I take him for a 2 + mile walk eveynight but I also work him with the flirt pole and he gets to tear round my yard with my boxer several times a doy.....you will have an excellent dog. Good luck to you
                • I just read my post and when I said follow genes I meant has taken a great deal of influence from the Tosa side of it
                  • Tosa should be fantastic with people. They should be very gentle and loving tward family members. A bit of a clown. Reserved and aloof but never agressive twards strangers. Highly dominant and agressive with dogs of the same sex. Not the dog for a dogpark or a off lead walk. Can be very prey driven twards other small animals like cats. Very strong and powerful so they should only be bought and owned by those who can handle them on a lead. The biggest problem you will most likley run into isn't your dog, but strange dogs off lead charging your Tosa and situations like that. That is what makes the breed unsuitable for most situations.
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