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What is the mix ?

Bull terrier x greyhound ?
Replies (9)
    • What is the mix ?[br][img:width=400&height=286]{e_FILE}public/1257803290_16978_FT0_xena_1.jpg">[br][img:width=400&height=331]{e_FILE}public/1257803326_16978_FT0_xena_2.jpg">[br][img:width=400&height=301]{e_FILE}public/1257803346_16978_FT0_xena_3.jpg">[br][img:width=400&height=333]{e_FILE}public/1257803368_16978_FT0_xena_4.jpg">[br][img:width=400&height=295]{e_FILE}public/1257803383_16978_FT0_xena_5.jpg">
      • Bull terrier x greyhound ?
        • EBT x greyhound/sighthound????????
          • I've seen many lurchers of the EBT x Greyhound / Whippet type, they always looked alot leaner than this guy. I'm thinking EBT x Fox Terrier
            • [quote1257856879=sadhbhsdad] I've seen many lurchers of the EBT x Greyhound / Whippet type, they always looked alot leaner than this guy. I'm thinking EBT x Fox Terrier [/quote1257856879] That was my first thought (too thick set) but the head was what done it for me.
              • JRTx Pitbull?
                • [quote1257870727=yajnesh] JRTx Pitbull? [/quote1257870727] You have 75% right ! Pitbull x Parson Russell terrier.
                  • There's no way that either Bull Terrier or Greyhound is a parent in that dog! As for the "pit bull" that can mean a lot of things. I highly doubt it was a working-line APBT, this dog just doesn't have the toned muscle or the lines.
                    • That was a shock lol Probably a "pet bull" or "pit". I'm sorry I don't see true bulldog in him, perhaps it's in his temp?
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