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Whats the deal with CC registry's?

Many registries... In the U.S. you can get the ICCF (CCAA) or the UKC (through SACCI). In my opinion, FCI is the way to go and in the states you can do that through its designated registry (FCPR). Depending on what you want for your dog it might be worth the effort to go through these or not... Best, ALV
Replies (8)
    • Whats the deal with CC registry's? I have papers on mine , but some say even with a 5 generation pedigree, if its not registered with ICCF ,that hurts the pup,than some say if its not FIA its no good, others say I should turn my papers (copies) to AkC to become Foundation Stock Some of the dogs in my pedigree his G/parents and G/G parents have ICCF #'s and further back I see some Italian dogs which are Fia
      • Many registries... In the U.S. you can get the ICCF (CCAA) or the UKC (through SACCI). In my opinion, FCI is the way to go and in the states you can do that through its designated registry (FCPR). Depending on what you want for your dog it might be worth the effort to go through these or not... Best, ALV
        • I thought you could not registar a dog with ICCF unless his parents were? And I thought FCI was only fpr non US dogs? pardon my dumbness was does sacci and FCPR stand for and do u have any links Thanks for help
          • Hi Nick, I don't know the by laws of for CCAA (ICCF) but you can check out their site at www.canecorso.org Below are links for The Society in America for Cane Corso Italiano (SACCI) which is the United Kennel Club (UKC) affiliated breed registry. http://www.thesacci.com/ The Federacion Canofila de Puerto Rico (FCPR) is the FCI affiliated breed registry in the U.S. If the dog does not have an FCI pedigree, it would have to be judged by 2 judges in order to be recognized by FCI. (I forgot the rules but check them out here: http://www.fcpr2000.org/index-en.html) Best, ALV
            • Thanks for the info and links :!:
              • I did a couple of my presas through FCPR- Initial registration. In our case, Luis Ortiz is the authorized breed specialist. he lives in Florida, and frequently judges for Rarities, and occasionally for ARBA.
                • [quote=Presadam]Luis Ortiz is the authorized breed specialist. [/quote]He is a very knowledgeable judge. I have spoken with him a few times and find him very competent.
                  • Great, about how much to get someone like Mr Ortiz to judge your dog? And I guess u have to wait for a show/event in your area.Thanks for the info.
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