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when does a lgd become mentaly mature ?

Mental maturity - varies between breeds and dogs among breeds.  From the 5 Caucasians I have raised my observation is that to a great extent mental maturity is at about 2 years old but continues for a few more years.  I think that at 2 years the dog is probably 80% mature and ready for whatever nature will throw their way.  Dogs in the wild will mature more quickly where their survival depends on their abilities and not the charity of people.

Replies (7)
    • When does a LGD become mentaly mature?

      I replaced the question from the shoutbox to the forum.

      Somebody answered two years 

      I would say three years

      • My dog is almost 14 months old and still a puppy.

        Do they change dramaticly or is it barely noticeable ?

        • I think that  depends on the dogs character, the socialising of the breeder.

          My first co pup didnt liked people from the start. Didnt see very much by the breeder and was suspicious of everything and everyone.

          My second co pup was socialised by the breeder, had an open attitude and researched what was new. Friendly to everyone until he reached the age of one year old, the open attitude disappeared and the guarding inctinct kicked in. That was a huge change.

          they were very diffrent , they had a very diffrent way of dealing with things but i think the outcome was the same. 

          One thing will always be a trigger and that is agressive behaviour of people. 

          I think with three years they are mature.

          • The way i see that she isn't mature yet,

            is how she plays with other dogs.

            she started "guarding" at 8 weeks old but is not realy sure about it And still Isn't.

            She wasn't socialized by the breeder so she was afraid of almost everything.

            now it's alot better but for strangers it is still dificult to pet her.

            • When my co became one year old he didnt allow strangers to pet him.

              And i dont want any stranger to pet my dogs.

              When Inar is walking without a leash and somebody wants  to pet him he avoids them and walks further. On leash he will bite .

              Inar is great with dogs, he doesnt show agression and other dogs dont react agressive so i dont have any problems with dogs but I always stay close because when the owners interfere and are dominant he would attack the owner.

              Inar fought onces in his life, two gsd attacked him , the first time i saw the monster in him towards dogs. Now he is almost 7 years old.

              • My dog also avoids people off leash, but on leash she will try to duck away, not out of fear but most people think it's out of fear

                she shows alertness but no agression.

                she has never shown any agression towards dogs or humans.

                she's only alert and starts barking and growling when she doesn't trust sombody. ( but you can still see she is not going full out on this)

                I did see however that yesterday she started humping a female samoyed ,Is this dominance or just play ?

                • Mental maturity - varies between breeds and dogs among breeds.  From the 5 Caucasians I have raised my observation is that to a great extent mental maturity is at about 2 years old but continues for a few more years.  I think that at 2 years the dog is probably 80% mature and ready for whatever nature will throw their way.  Dogs in the wild will mature more quickly where their survival depends on their abilities and not the charity of people.

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