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which is less dominant?

all of them are dominate breeds can't say who's less depends on the dog himself i suppose
Replies (5)
    • I would like to know whose of these dogs are less dominant or are less propense to display dominace or aggression towards owners, family and new people: Tosa inu, rottie, american bulldog scott, rhodesian ridgeback, dogo argentino and cane corso. Other thing is: is there too much difference in gender when you talk about dominance, cause the generalization was always that males are more dominant. Please tell me if it applays with these breeds.
      • all of them are dominate breeds can't say who's less depends on the dog himself i suppose
        • [quote=Irena]all of them are dominate breeds can't say who's less depends on the dog himself i suppose[/quote] I know what you say, but there has to be a difference between these breeds. With some you have to put more effort to socialize with other people. I have hears that tosa and rhodesians are not so weary of strangers as typical guard breeds as the cc or the rottie. Also the dogo argentino is said to be more friendly. I would like to know whom is the easiest to manage around strange people and who has the qualities to be a better all around pet and most suitable to urban living and not so big places.
          • rhodesians not weary? lol you need to come and meat some, i have here one import from russia and perents from afreka, the best gaurd dog, better than my CCs lol any puppy that mind clear and staible wil need expuser to keep him that way and not scared of eberything learn more , no breed is the same and no line is the same i'm sure that if ou reasech more and talk with more breeders you won't have any doubds
            • it depends on the individual dog not breed they all have a prediposition to be dominant dogs factors weighing in are individual genetics of that dog and envirmental conditions also play a big factor on how you socialise and raise that dog also.and males are always going to be more dominant then females on a consistent basis thats just the way it is.all those breeds you mentioned can be good dogs or pets if raised properly .
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