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which is the breed you respect the most??

Really amazing dogs, found some great info here http://www.kangaroodog.org/index.php?page=wheatbelt-line
Replies (6)
    • which is the breed you respect the most, and why?? we have several different breeds of dogs embodying various great virtues.. which is the specific breed of dog which commands your respect like none other, and why??
      • Other than the obvious, the Sharplaninec that saved my life and my loved ones on several occasions, I also greatly respect the German Shepherd (again, in my youth a GSD once saved my butt from a rampaging horde of neonazis in Germany). On a less personal level, I do respect decent German boxers .... and Rottweilers I guess.
        • Well I fundamentally don't respect the concept of breeds at all, so I can't really answer this. But I can say for me I respect the roo dog, aka the aussie staghound, aka the bush greyhound, probably most of all. Only problem is it isn't a breed. Dragged over to this hellish alien continent where they shouldered the responsibility of feeding the settlers on a land where farming was next to impossible. They really were critical in laying the foundation for the society I enjoy living in today, so I have to pay them my respects above all others.
          • Really amazing dogs, found some great info here http://www.kangaroodog.org/index.php?page=wheatbelt-line
            • ya.. my friend from serbia was also telling me that sarplaninacs are very protective n some r very ferocious.. :) it is a type of guardian dogs I like.. :) tones, really nice pics.. they look like really fine hounds.. and yes.. dogs r the man's best friend!! The dog I'd respect the most would be The Pitbull!! though I dun keep one, I respect it the most because, the attribute I respect the most is perseverance with intense passion, and the pitbull embodies that.. had only they could be kept with other bossy dogs, I'd have had them!! next to that I respect the GSDs, HMs and other guard/guardian breeds who'd even sacrifice their lives to protect their owners..
              • [quote1326685658=Tonedog] Only problem is it isn't a breed. [/quote1326685658] No worries, you're forgiven. lol [quote1326685658=Tonedog] But I can say for me I respect the roo dog, aka the aussie staghound, aka the bush greyhound, probably most of all. [..] Dragged over to this hellish alien continent where they shouldered the responsibility of feeding the settlers on a land where farming was next to impossible. They really were critical in laying the foundation for the society I enjoy living in today, so I have to pay them my respects above all others. [/quote1326685658] I very much agree with your rationale. I believe that if I had any personal experience with these dogs, I would come to the same conclusion. I actually never knew about these Australian greyhounds until recently, but they fascinate me quite a bit. Cool pics.
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