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Will the family dog protect your home?

I think it depends on the kind of dog you have. In my case, I think with a little [link=http://www.trainpetdog.com/Bernese-Mountain-Dog/about-bernese-mountain-dog.html]bernese mountain dog training[/link] then my dog can be a guard dog.
Replies (13)
    • [youtube]V_TINv4TKhk[/youtube] well, I think it depends on whose family dog he is.. lol
      • I don't think anyone's surprised by the results. Except for the guy with the golden, he seemed to think he was protective. That's why guard dogs are specifically bred, most dogs are just like the dogs in the video.
        • I was not able to open the link, but I have very big doubts that my Golden Retriever would have protected me, especially not as much as needed. Protection is really something more related to herding dogs like GSD etc. ,LGDs and Mastiffs and crosses between such dogs. Of course it goes for some other dogs too, not belonging to this group.
          • I wasn't surprised.. what more do you expect from goldies and toy dogs? lol but this guy tests untrained GSDs.. [youtube]z4ZIGHkGF-M[/youtube] I have few things to note.. firstly, that woman was neither the family nor the owner of those untrained dogs, besides, it seemed like they specifically hand selected the worst specimens of the breed to conduct the test. I'm saying so because, even GSD puppy you get from an ordinary pet dealer/ pet shop will guard what belongs to him quite fiercely!! for eg: my vet told me about an incident when his client's dog saved him from a knife wielding assassin though he wasn't trained..
            • Thanks for the links Bright. The first one is interesting. But as Midgard mentioned not surprising. I believe your assessment of the second video is correct and I certainly do not place any value on it as they are trying to sell a service. Also the scenarios both sets of dogs faced seemed far from real life situations and more like they created a convenient environment to get their desired result.
              • First video, [u]laughable[/u]. If they really expected that there pooches would do anything more than what we saw, then the owners must be delusional. Second video, [u]apples to oranges[/u]. Part 1: Three MALE(!) dogs, all it appears from solid West-German lines (Elvis is a beautiful GSD btw). The decoy has a face mask on and acts way suspicious. He also has a protective arm sleeve as prey stimulus for the dogs. Part 2: Three FEMALE(!) dogs, they don't appear to be from decent lines (maybe AKC?). The decoy has a hat and most of his aggression is initially expressed in his language. Let alone that the girl probably hasn't bonded with any of the females and that the males weren't protecting her but actually acting on trained prey drive. The males could have cared less about the well being of the girl as this was NOT a defense driven response. (I shouldn't even mention that I wasn't that impressed by their bite either) Lastly, they all ARE GSDs afterall, so what do you really expect? They are born to be trained for working tasks like this. Therefore you'll see that untrained dogs don't perform whereas trained dogs do, duh. Let's face it, it's an ad for a dog training facility. Nice try though. When I recall the numerous encounters of my Shars with people who are acting suspicious, I know that training is not necessary here. When it's anchored in the hardware, I don't have to worry about the software. Dan
                • LMAO during the second video my boy was asleep, heard barking, came from the end of my bed, came to look at me watching the video and began watching along then the AB head tilt from side to side. HILARIOUS!!
                  • Now I could see the videos. Astibus' evaluation was great.
                    • He will protect the home. He will protect the family. And odds are should he/she ever be called upon to do their job I will likely have to pull the dog off the criminal to prevent excessive use of force.
                      • Silly test. Sometimes I think I should test my dogs like that, but I'm guessing because I wouldn't feel fear, that they wouldn't take it seriously...
                        • [quote1317398430=LeeRobinson] He will protect the home. He will protect the family. And odds are should he/she ever be called upon to do their job I will likely have to pull the dog off the criminal to prevent excessive use of force. [/quote1317398430] Exactly, because every protective guard dog can be a family dog too, so this question lacks the definition what they consider to be a "family dog"!
                          • the thing is for the most part the general public doesnt know a damn thing about dog behavior so I think a lot of people if you asked them the same question would think that their golden retriever or lab etc would protect their house.
                            • I think it depends on the kind of dog you have. In my case, I think with a little [link=http://www.trainpetdog.com/Bernese-Mountain-Dog/about-bernese-mountain-dog.html]bernese mountain dog training[/link] then my dog can be a guard dog.
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