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I purged members who did not login for over one year when the system was changed. So the membership count went from 17,000 to what it is now.  Also, facebook and twitter happened. :)

Replies (11)
    • What happens to the MD? Right now i see that it is very poor, only 875 members, it was much better a few years ago, or!

      • I purged members who did not login for over one year when the system was changed. So the membership count went from 17,000 to what it is now.  Also, facebook and twitter happened. :)

        • ok but from 17000 to 875 are very much, why so many members lost interest?
          Do you have any explanation?

          • Yes, it is due to social networking.

            This has happened with most sites, Sadly.

            • In general 875 members is not a little at all I think it`s very impressive number, but how many are participate actively...

              • That is a good point indeed. We had many member who had not logged in or participated in several years. When I switched the platform I decided to purge members who had not logged in in 365 days.  I was surprised when only 875 remained. Anyway, most members go to social networks now so out of love for the dogs I keep this site going. Maybe one day dog lovers will find their way back.

                • Is usually in forums 

                  • I actually prefer forums over Facebook or other stuff.  I don't even have a FB account!  I am glad MD is still here with some very knowledgeable people. :-)

                    • Wonderful. That is good to know. Unfortunately there are not many active forums any more.  For instance, on a whim a made a forum at http://molosserforum.com a few years ago and just leto it sit there. Surprise...... no action. I think when the truth about fb and Google are known individual forums may make a comeback.

                      • The Bermuda Triangle, Stonehenge and molosserdogs.com life's mysteries!



                        • Lol. That is too funny. Thank you.

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