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Working Molossers

Hello Molosser Fans,

Please share your photos and stories of any working molossers that you you know or have information about. By working, I do mean dogs doing the job that they were developed to perform.  Too many Molossers these days are relegated to couch warmers and no to their jobs.  Yes, in a modern society some of the molossers jobs have given way to fences, walls, and video cameras. 

However, lets see the ones that are still out there doing the hard job of guarding, protecting, and keeping bad things at bay.

Replies (5)

      EGP Marcus was purchase by a guy that has about 17 acres. He travels a lot for work. He needed Marcus to protect some expensive equipment on his property. They also have a problem in his area with those addicted to Meth. He wants Marcus to protect the family and property. He purchased Marcus from us as a pup and sent him back to us for training. Marcus took to it right away. It only took having a stranger stop by looking suspicious.


        More of EGP Marcus doing perimeter protection. He is keeping the stranger out. The owners were extremely pleased with his working abilities.

        • EGP Keno El Guerrero de KBoltz parents were bred in Serbia. Dam was sent to the USA after being bred. Both Parents have multiple conformation titles in multiple European countries. We Purchased him from K-Boltz Kennels at 8 weeks old. He is an International and National champion. He has an UKC Rally Obedience title, and his AKC canine good citizen title. On this video it was his first time doing any bite work. But he had shown signs that he wanted to do this since he arrived to our home. He has since earned other protection titles. His job is to protect my family and home. He has been test on home break in too. We left a door unlocked. We left the home. We had a decoy show up and try to enter our home. Keno did not allow him in. He bit the decoy. He did his job. Most people foolishly believe that their dog will protect them or protect their homes because the dog bark. But unfortunately most will not. The bark is worst than the bite. The dog should have some training. The dog should be tested too see if it will do the work. We even do carjacking and kidnapping scenarios when training. 


          Keno is an old dog now. The black mask has turned white. But he is still agile. He still protects the home. The young dogs learn from him to bark at strangers. I tried to find some videos of his mother Hena. I've seen multiple videos of her back in 2010, but I can't locate them now. 


          The dog in the background with Keno is an Australian Cattle Dog. We got Auggie from the shelter. We saw him in a shelter. He was the only dog in a cage by himself. There were other dogs that had donation in their envelops on their cages. But he didn't have any donations in his envelop. But we gave him a home. He loved to do protection work too. When we got him we thought he was just gong to be a pet. We didn't know anything about the breed. Soon we learned that they were bred to work. They were courageous and herded cattle. 


            This is multiple European Champion Demon Desperado and his littermate Dakata doing a courage test in Serbia. Demon is EGP Keno El Guerrero sire. There are more than 15 Champions in Keno pedigree including some World Champions. Even though a Presa has become a show champion it is still a working dog. The Perro De Presa Canario is bred to be a working dog. Most do not do catch work anymore as the need for that job is not need as much. There are a few still doing catch work. The secondary job for the presa is to protect the farm and family. They still excel in this area.

            I have seen Spanish Judge barely escape being bitten by some good presas. In AKC the dog would have been disqualified. But these judges know the breed and temperament. They don't disqualify them for doing their jobs. 

            • These aren't my dogs. But I do know the breeder. I've been to his kennel about 5 plus hours away from me. He believes that the presa is first a working dog. He also competes with his dogs on Conformation. I this scenario 2 dogs were sent to take down a specific person and ignore the other person nearby. The dogs do not allow that barrier to stop them. The dogs had to work together. I have been impressed with Travis and his dogs.

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