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Presa Canario Club of America


The Presa Canario Club of America, it’s Officers, and Board of Directors have been working “behind the scenes” diligently for the last 5+ years directly with the American Kennel Club (AKC), and we are fully committed to preserving the breed's health and future by establishing a presence and authority over the Presa Canario breed within this organization.The American Kennel Club, a not-for-profit organization, is the nation's oldest, largest, and most esteemed purebred dog registry.

Dog breed clubs are made up of passionate dog owners, breed fanciers, and purebred breeders. Each AKC breed has a National Club, also known as a Parent Club.The AKC approves only one Parent Club for each breed. The Presa Canario Club of America has been approved as the AKC Parent Club for the Presa Canario.

What now!?

Help us build the foundation for the Presa Canario breed within the AKC by registering your dog with the AKC FSS program and begin attending AKC functions where our breed is allowed, so we can show the whole world what our amazing Presa Canario breed is all about! Gaining full recognition with the AKC is no easy task. Dogs must first begin in the Foundation Stock Program, and then, through the dedicated work of the parent club, the Presa Canario Club of America, and the hard work of ethical breeders, owners, handlers, and enthusiasts, the breed becomes eligible to move to Miscellaneous status. The next step after this status change is FULL BREED RECOGNITION. We need your help and continued dedication to make this a reality for our beloved Presa Canario.

Help us become the best AKC Parent Club possible through getting involved! Communicate directly with your PCCA Officers and Board of Directors, volunteer your time to the Club, participate in Club events, positively engage in Club social media, and above all - keep being the best Presa Canario owners or breeders through thoughtful engagement, education, and ethical practices outlined by the Presa Canario Club of America.

How do I register my dog with the AKC, because my dog is already registered with another organization?

That is great! Having your dog in multiple different databases, with different registries, allows you to participate in events in many different places across the USA, and even the world. Creating more flexibility for you and your dog to find events that interest you and fit your schedule. You do not have to give up any registration to any organization you already have, you can keep those records with that organization in addition to your new AKC FSS registration.

Use this Foundation Stock Service Registration application, available for download at www.akc.org, and complete all the fields required. Attach a photo copy of your dogs current 3- generation pedigree ( 8.5" x 11" ), then attach two (2) 3" x 5" close-up color photographs of the dog in a standing position: one front view; one side view. Print the dog’s name and registration number on the back of each photograph. Send your application, pedigree, and photos, with your recording fee to: The American Kennel Club P.O. Box 900058 Raleigh, NC 27675-9058

For help with the process you can always email AKC Foundation Stock Service® at fss@akc.org or call 919-233-9767 to speak to an AKC FSS® Customer Service Representative, Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM.

Now that I am registered with AKC FSS, what do I do next?

Begin attending FSS Open shows, FSS Open Shows are informal AKC sanctioned events, and Companion Events and Performance Events that AKC determines to be applicable. They allow owners and their dogs of FSS & Miscellaneous Class breeds a chance to gain the ring experience of a conformation dog show in a relaxed and inviting environment. While no points may be earned towards a Championship, Certificate of Merit points may be earned. FSS Open Shows also allow clubs, judges, and stewards to gain the experience needed for licensed events. The winner of the Miscellaneous Class & FSS Groups will go on to compete Best in FSS Open Show.

FSS and Miscellaneous breeds, ages 4 months and older on the day of the event, are eligible to compete and earn points towards the Certificate of Merit.

The following breed classes will be offered at all FSS Open Shows: 4-6 month puppy, 6-9 month puppy, 9-12 month puppy, bred-by-exhibitor, and open class.

How do I enter an AKC FSS Open Show?

In order to participate in the fun, you must enter your dog in the show. Every FSS Open Show has a “premium list” that has all the important information about the show, including an entry form and the entry deadline. You must fill out the entry form with the information about your dog and which class you want to enter, i.e. the 4-6 Month Puppy class, 6-9 Month Puppy Class, 9-12 Month Puppy Class, Bred-By-Exhibitor Class or Open Class prior to the entry deadline. Each show has a Superintendent or Show Secretary who processes all the show entry forms. Typically, a dog show’s club member acts as the Show Secretary for FSS Open Shows. Contact the Show Secretary listed to receive the show’s premium list and entry form or find them online. To Complete an entry form, you’ll need your dog’s AKC registration number, a credit card or check, your dog’s AKC registration certificate so you can fill out your puppy’s “official registered” name, their dam’s (mother’s) name, their sire’s (father’s) name as well as their birthdate, breeder’s name and your contact information. You will also select which age division your dog will be competing in, the 4-6 Month Puppy class, 6-9 Month Puppy Class, 9-12 Month Puppy Class, Bred-By-Exhibitor Class or Open Class for dogs older than one year.

How do I prepare my dog for the show?

It’s a good idea to have your dog ready for fun before you go to the show. Walking on a leash - Your dog should be comfortable wearing a collar and walking on a leash by your left side. You may have been taught this as the “heel position” in your puppy kindergarten class. This is easy to practice at home before going to the show. Meet me - Young dogs love people so be prepared for her to meet lots of new people at the show! You may want to get her ready to meet people by taking your puppy to a park or other public spaces to get her used to the activity. Looking their best - Don’t forget to groom your dog as part of the preparation. If they are really dirty, as some dogs can be very active outdoors, then maybe a bath a day or two before the show is in order. But, at the very least, make sure they are brushed and free of dirt, debris and any tangles in their fur. Also, if it’s been a while since you trimmed their toenails, you may want to give them a quick trim too. One of the most important points we can outline, as the parent club, is to ensure that your Presa Canario is well trained to receive a complete judges evaluation. This could include a stranger (the judge), putting their hands all over your dog, including in their mouth. This may also include a stranger approaching your dog directly eye to eye level. Your dog should also be controlled around other dogs.

One week before the show, if you entered your dog before the day of the show- While some clubs do not confirm entries for FSS Open Shows, it is possible you may receive an email from one of the dog show’s club members to give you additional information for the day of the show. This may include: -Your armband number and a judging program telling you how many dogs are entered in your dog’s age division. -Whether or not your FSS Open Show is divided by dogs’ gender -What ring number you will be in -What time to be at that ring -Directions and general information about the show If you do not receive this information before the show, make sure you get to the show site early to get settled before entering the ring, or contact the Show Secretary for more information on the show.

If you plan on entering your dog on the day of the show- First, make sure that the club is allowing “day of show” entries. Make sure you arrive early in the morning so that you can have your dog entered in the show before it starts. A club member should be able to help you with this or direct you for further assistance. At the show, you will find out how many dogs are entered in your class, if your class is divided by gender, what ring you will be in and at what time you will be judged.

What do I do on the day of the show?

Get up early! The morning of the show, feed your dog earlier than usual so your dog can do their business before you get on the road to the show.

What to pack - You’ll want to bring water, a water bowl, and a brush for last minute grooming, and treats to give your dog after a job well done. Don’t forget to pack the very important clean-up bags for potty breaks, your confirmation packet and a chair for yourself.

On the road - Remember traveling in a crate is the safest form of transportation for your dog. Plus, having the crate at the show will give your dog a place to rest before and after the fun.

At the show grounds - Make sure you arrive at least one or two hours before your scheduled ring time so that you can set up a spot to watch the show near your ring, take your dog for a walk to potty, and then observe the show to get an idea of what to expect in the ring.

At the ring - Before your scheduled ring time, ask the Ring Steward or club members to give you your armband number (show them the confirmation entry slip with the number). This number is placed around your left upper arm and secured with a rubber band available at ringside. Don’t forget to dress in business casual attire with comfortable walking shoes so both you and your dog look your best.

What will the judge ask me to do in the ring?

Ringside - Once your time has arrived, the Ring Steward will call all the dogs in the class according to armband number into the ring for judging.

Stand in line - At first, all the dogs will stand in line together for the judge to give them all a first look.

All together - Then the judge will ask all the dogs to trot around the ring in one big circle together. Following those in front of you, ask your dog to follow you around the ring in an appropriate speed for your dog until you reach the end of the line.

Examination - You and your dog can relax for a moment now. The judge will ask each dog to come up to them for an individual breed evaluation. At this point, the judge will greet your dog and ask you to open their mouth to look at their teeth. They will then place their hands around the dog’s body for further examination.

Strutting your stuff - The judge will ask you to individually move your dog around in a “pattern” - maybe a triangle or a straight line- and then back to the end of the line.

Get a ribbon - After all the dogs have been looked at by the judge, you will go around the ring as a group one more time. At this point the judge picks their winners and hands out ribbons. Congratulations! All done - After you’re done, it’s time to relax with your dog, give them some water and a treat for being such a good dog. Since you are already at the show, take the opportunity to walk them around the show grounds and see new sights and meet new people.

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Comments (2)
    • Preserving the breed's health and future is great but no where in that announcement was form and function mentioned. I do hope the Parent Club take it seriously and work vigorously to protect the breed's function and form.

      @eliteguardianpresa works and trains his dogs and is a great steward of the breed. Please stay true to the breed and don't let the new found popularity pull you down the money trail.

      @mastini-mayhem knows the pressure that the recognition can put on breeders and the dogs. 🐕

      Congratulations to our fanciers on the recognition by the .

      • While I do believe the parent company want to preserve the breed as a working breed. My issue is with breeders. Many are breeding to what they like. Many more are breeding towards what they know and believe the public wants. Now we have many exaggerated examples instead of that being rare. An excessive size Presa loses its function. Also, breeders are breeding dogs like blue Presa. They charge more for it saying it's rare. The public buys it up believing they are getting something great. In reality it is not standard. It is a disqualifying fault.

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