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$230,000 for a Dog.

Looks like a good living... A dog is just part of it. They can alarm, deter, and buy you those precious seconds that can matter between life and death. I would rather have a good dog than a lot of other things.
Replies (11)
    • http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/12/us/12dogs.html?ref=todayspaper An article featuring Harrison K9. Of Aiken SC. Dogs trained for Personal protection for well heeled people. There is all types of protection as everyone knows. Dogs can be great deterrents. if someone really is out to get you. A well trained dog is only one part of the equation. i thought with all the experience people here have from working their dogs. They could weigh in on this. Richard
      • Looks like a good living... A dog is just part of it. They can alarm, deter, and buy you those precious seconds that can matter between life and death. I would rather have a good dog than a lot of other things.
        • These people at that level. May still need the services of a well trained professional. Like an ex-federal agent. As well a good dog. Wealthy people and well known people, run into threats that not the rest of us encounter day to day. Richard
          • Harrison K9 on Good Morning America Today:[link=hyperlink url][/link]http://abcnews.go.com/US/rise-high-priced-security-dogs/story?id=14000249
            • Gee....kind of makes the $73.000 paid for the father of my Boz female pup pale in comparison! ;~)
              • Not in stupidity.
                • [quote1310089919=CincoDeseosRanch] Gee....kind of makes the $73.000 paid for the father of my Boz female pup pale in comparison! ;~) [/quote1310089919] Wait - did you say you paid $73,000 for a boz pup.. as in seventy three thousand dollars?
                  • [quote1310127326=CincoDeseosRanch] Gee....kind of makes the $73.000 paid for the father of my Boz female pup pale in comparison! ;~) [/quote1310127326] WOW! Although that may a good value. Compared to to those Chinese TMs for $650,000. Richard
                    • I'm about to pay 50 bucks for a pig dog pup, I wouldn't pay 50 bucks for any of the dogs mentioned in this thread, too steep.
                      • [quote1310220825=gsicard] [quote1310089919=CincoDeseosRanch] Gee....kind of makes the $73.000 paid for the father of my Boz female pup pale in comparison! ;~) [/quote1310089919] Wait - did you say you paid $73,000 for a boz pup.. as in seventy three thousand dollars? [/quote1310220825] No, grin....I didn't pay that! The SIRE to my pup sold to a man in Seol, Korea for $73,000. And other Boz went I believe to the same man ranging from $8,000 to $48,000 - a piece. This just in the past month and a half. They did a special Turkish TV spot on him and his dogs and the prices they brought. If I can locate the link - its on Face book, I will post. Sefir is the Boz that went for $73,000 and he's my girls' daddy. Which makes me think me paying a mere $1250 plus shipping to get her here was a heck of a deal......... But sales like these do not happen all the time, the guy in Seol is billionaire, big breeder I think, he made Akin offers he couldn't refuse...obviously. He does not sell dogs for these prices every day, this was a rare exception. FYI getting the dogs out of Turkey usually costs more than the price of a pup. That is what adds up so much. [br][link={e_FILE}public/1310221159_18962_FT79624_sefir_champion.jpg][img:width=500&height=585]{e_FILE}public/1310221159_18962_FT79624_sefir_champion_.jpg">[/link][br]
                        • [link=http://www.trainpetdog.com/Saint-Bernard/about-saint-bernard.html]Saint Bernards[/link] were trained in the Alps to rescue people that are in trouble. This made me realize our friendly furry pals' role in our society. :))
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