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A little bit for those, who doesn't know.....


I asked for help 2 experts and ended up starting again myself.

 You made very good points about the Cane Corso and how much of a personal connection they will make with their owner/family. Thank you very much.

The part about using "experts" or "trainers" to train your dog is a valid one.  For a little toy dog or companion dog that is a good thing - they should call on a trainer.  I always said the owners are the ones who should know and train their dogs to suite their needs.  Dogs do need discipline and the owner should be the one to provide the boundaries of Beauvoir.

I think you have read the Cane Corso profile here so please tell me what you think about it.


Replies (3)
    • Hi there.

      I am the dogs lover all my life, and a Cane Corso lover for over 8 years.

      I would like to share a little bit of my knowledge. It may help someone who is new to this fantastic breed. Forgive me pls my grammar - english is my second language and I still do mistakes.

      1. CC are very stable, gentle and inteligent - however they would live your emotional life with you. And if You are too narvous they likely to ignore you and it won't make them feel comfortable. They also very powerful dogs, but it doesn't mean, that you have to fight for your position with CC, as (many people would argue with that or keep saying Alpha theory) CC can live without hierarchy, but next to family, and that is true.

      2. CC would remember anything bad you've done to him. It will affect trust, training and your relationship. And I advice to not to show aggression, pressure etc to CC, From my own experience- we've reached much better results of training by play and cooperation. I asked for help 2 experts and ended up starting again myself. I remember throwing the chain lead toward to make her hear the noise and come back, exercise with a ball on the 15 feet long leash - she only got bored (should see her face) etc.. My boyfriend used to panic, while I wanted let her off. All people around me kept doing exactly what they shouldn't. Nothing wrong with those methods, just usual training doesn't match CC - special dog - special training. I start walking her alone, where we couldn't meet other dogs or people and let her run as much as she wanted... Now remember.

      - your dog is a Cane Corso - it is mean that his gens including guide, watch run, protect a huge fields. If he does go toward too far, but you still can see him don not panic - is his nature and you have got what you wanted-if ur dog does go pass you while you call him, than comes to u remember he is intelligent and thinks before will do anything;)

      - don't expect of him to bring back to you every single silly ball or stick u trowed...You can play that game with coca-poo, not with you magnificent CC;), well sometimes, u can...  

      - he will be with you all the time - no more time off - did you wanted dog of one owner? Here we go;)

      3. Watch other people, even more than your dog while walking. People react for a big dogs and their behavior can scared your dog, provoke etc.

      - we try to run where others won't

      - we will take step back and run away from smallest dogs - too much noise and show around it...

      - we meeting other dogs very carefully, sitting and waiting, shorting the distance slowly, we likely interviewing the other owner is his dog  stable?

      However even if I know my dog is stable and calm i don't want her to earn bad experience by being attacked 

      - I always call my dog to me and ask to sit when I can see people, dogs, bikes coming. 

      There is many little things I would not recommend. They are much different than others dogs, with no doubt. They require a little bit modified training, they need constant love and attention and they will pay it back x2.

      If there is any questions and I know the answer - pls feel free. 


        I asked for help 2 experts and ended up starting again myself.

         You made very good points about the Cane Corso and how much of a personal connection they will make with their owner/family. Thank you very much.

        The part about using "experts" or "trainers" to train your dog is a valid one.  For a little toy dog or companion dog that is a good thing - they should call on a trainer.  I always said the owners are the ones who should know and train their dogs to suite their needs.  Dogs do need discipline and the owner should be the one to provide the boundaries of Beauvoir.

        I think you have read the Cane Corso profile here so please tell me what you think about it.




          I have read that profile and many others, I also tried to learn about that breed for about 5-6 years before I got my dog. Now I am looking for my second CC and my dream is to breed original modern- mixed -less dogs. I will appreciate suggestions for a original CC breeders. I also look for Sicilian Branchiero breeders still existing..

          I think that many people stereotyping our Corso -as a bad temper and fighting dogs, but as you've said - owner build his dog character. I really haven't met before more clever and calm breed able to making choices and decisions. That is impressive. I also experienced battles with members of my family about training methods. We get to the point where I had have to drag my dog out from under the bed and hug her to calm her down and show that I am there and she doesn't need to show of her teeth (I've never been scared of my dog and never doubt that I can trust her - I have been scared that she get hurt and then change/turn to a wrong side and I will lose her). I put them under the wall and said that my methods counts and will be inn use or I am leaving. I won. My dog is fantastic, she never hurt, she never showed aggressive again ,she turn sometimes to the sofa dog;) But we all need a little bit of love. She protect our house, she won't attack other dogs...

          We have build that  trust. She knows I am right and we are friends.

          Why I mentioned that?

          Because it is extremely important to take responsibility for your own dog without blame on breed, but with knowing breed well enough to develop the best sides of it. 

          Check Mr. Pat Miller -  he said that only risk with training your dog without showing him aggression is that it turn to a fat lazy and spoilt baby, but with no harm to community or itself. 

          It is all up to us.

          I am joking soetimes that if someone will gonna hurt my guard dog I will have to bite him and then I will get put down..

          However she play her role  - she looks scary tho - noone would risk, but also noone needs to know that she is competely safe - and I am safe too, cause I know that I will never gonna loose her for any stupid reason and with my own fault.

          That is my opinion.;)

          I asked for help 2 experts and ended up starting again myself.

           You made very good points about the Cane Corso and how much of a personal connection they will make with their owner/family. Thank you very much.

          The part about using "experts" or "trainers" to train your dog is a valid one.  For a little toy dog or companion dog that is a good thing - they should call on a trainer.  I always said the owners are the ones who should know and train their dogs to suite their needs.  Dogs do need discipline and the owner should be the one to provide the boundaries of Beauvoir.

          I think you have read the Cane Corso profile here so please tell me what you think about it.



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