banana and watermelon
I know that banana is fine and is one of the ingredients in a high quality, dehydrated food called Honest Kitchen. Not sure about watermelon but I haven't heard anything bad about it. Of course, avocado and chocolate aren't good for dogs.
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I know that banana is fine and is one of the ingredients in a high quality, dehydrated food called Honest Kitchen. Not sure about watermelon but I haven't heard anything bad about it. Of course, avocado and chocolate aren't good for dogs. -
- · chachii
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Checkout these 2 sites. -
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MY dog likes Cantaloupe, he eats rind and all, he also likes apples and pears a lot and will eat core and all. But haven't tried banana or watermelon. -
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Watermelon is fine, a good summer treat cold. I freeze the bannanas, great for puppies cuttiing teeth, old dogs love it on a hot day. Avacado meat is finew, it's the skin, branches & leaves that are the problem. I've been feeding all three for 2 1/2 years to my Rotty with no problems. Her OFA thyroid blood work just came back normal. Avacado is rich in omega fatty oils and is a good complement to fish oil. Watermelon? look here ---> -
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I had always heard that avocado was toxic so I did a quick search. Apparently avocado can make some smaller dogs sick, especially if taken in large portions. So you can't feed a Yorkie three avocados. :wink: Also like Platz stated the skin, the leaf and the nut are toxic. Garlic is another one of those foods that is always on the toxicity list for dogs. I've given my dogs a spoonful of garlic on occasion and it hasn't harmed them at all. As a matter of fact, I've read that it's a good flea and tick preventative. *shrug* I guess the rule should be use common sense and feed any new food in moderation. -
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Those avacado studies come from Horses & Parrots having toxic reactions. When you think about how either would eat an avacado it makes sence. My Rotty & the Malamute(RIP) would split 1(one) avacado over two or three meals in thier barf mix. So that would be an 1/8 to 1/4 avacado per serving to a 75 & 112lbs dog. So yes, one must keep perspective. I give garlic occassionally also with no observed ill effects. When feedig BARF/Raw varity it the key point.