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Carpetmill anyone?

Replies (13)
    • Does anyone here us a carpetmill to condition their dog? They are not available here in India and shipping them due to size and weight is out of the question, so i am trying to build one.If any member here uses one I would love to see pics/plans especially of the running surface below the the carpet. Is it just a slick smooth surface or are there rollers like a conveyor belt? I know that a slatmill uses roller blade wheels. Would appreciate any info. Regards, Yaj.
      • [quote=yajnesh]Does anyone here us a carpetmill to condition their dog? They are not available here in India and shipping them due to size and weight is out of the question, so i am trying to build one.If any member here uses one I would love to see pics/plans especially of the running surface below the the carpet. Is it just a slick smooth surface or are there rollers like a conveyor belt? I know that a slatmill uses roller blade wheels. Would appreciate any info. Regards, Yaj.[/quote] Hey Yajnesh! if no one replies to your question, try this www.ask.com Good luck! Tom :wink:
        • [quote=chachii] Hey Yajnesh! if no one replies to your question, try this www.ask.com Good luck! Tom :wink:[/quote] Thanks for the suggestion Tom. I was really hoping some of the expert dogmen here would help me out. Regards, Yaj.
            • Just because it is considered by some places to be dog fighting paraphernalia, in other places it is not. The former is stupid in most regards but unfortunately that is the way it is. Here's a nice treadmill to keep dogs in shape - especially in the winter when it's freezing out! http://www.grandcarpetmill.com/
              • I'm sorry Wolf I was aware of the "paraphernalia" law but I did not know that talking about the makeup of such a machine in general could get someone in trouble. It is perfectly legal in my country and we have almost 5 months of monsoons when exercising the dogs can be a problem. Actually I already have begun working on one and was trying to figure out what the running surface below the carpet is made of,runners or a smooth surface.A slatmill would have been easy but i do not want my dogs or myself to go deaf ;-) Xamen13 I have seen that site, the other company that has a site for carpetmills is the Colby carpetmills. Unfortunately neither of them show the mills in detail ;-) Regards, Yaj.
                • I have never visited India but, here in ther USA used tread mills( for people) are to be found in the trash on a regular basis. Also, 2nd hand sports stores are a good source. They are NOT restricted in any state. Granted attaching plywood sides to a treadmill may be hard to explain :oops: I've not concider one until we had a "normal " winter here in ChicagoLand this last year.
                  • The problem with human treadmills is that the surface is not long enough for the stride length of big dogs, my Caravan hound is 30" and my Indian mastiff bitch is 28" so I figure I need a running surface of at least 6-61/2 feet.such running surfaces here are usually found only in the commercial treadmills which are huge and not suitable for my home. The other advantage with carpetmills is that the dog can determine the speed it wants to go at and that is something I like. Regards, Yaj
                    • You should realize that a carpet mill differs from a slat mill not only in the materials it is made of but in its purpose and the way it ought to be used. There is plenty of info to be found via google if you dont know what I am talking about. As for plans, I have seen this question posed on several boards several times and plans have never materialized. Those who have them do not seem to be interested in sharing that info. The nearest thing I have seen was plans for a cat mill. Which definately will not work in an appartment. 8O Good luck though and if you find something let us know.
                      • [quote=Girodin]You should realize that a carpet mill differs from a slat mill not only in the materials it is made of but in its purpose and the way it ought to be used. There is plenty of info to be found via google if you dont know what I am talking about. As for plans, I have seen this question posed on several boards several times and plans have never materialized. Those who have them do not seem to be interested in sharing that info. The nearest thing I have seen was plans for a cat mill. Which definately will not work in an appartment. 8O Good luck though and if you find something let us know.[/quote] Thanks Girodin, I know the difference between a slatmill and a carpetmill and type of workout given. During my searches on the net I too realised that usually these questions go unanswered. Just hoped this would be different :-) Regards, Yaj.
                        • [quote=yajnesh]The problem with human treadmills is that the surface is not long enough for the stride length of big dogs, my Caravan hound is 30" and my Indian mastiff bitch is 28" so I figure I need a running surface of at least 6-61/2 feet.such running surfaces here are usually found only in the commercial treadmills which are huge and not suitable for my home. The other advantage with carpetmills is that the dog can determine the speed it wants to go at and that is something I like. Regards, Yaj[/quote] I did not take availiblity of the longer human tread mills into concideration. They are common here in the USA. Here is a link to a top quality carpet mill. http://www.colbypitbull.com/treadmil.htm Why not just have them build you one to your dog's size. Have it shipped unassembled and have a Cabinet maker in your country assempole it for you. THAT, or buy a bicycle :lol:
                          • [quote=Platz] THAT, or buy a bicycle :lol:[/quote] Already do that :) Needed something for the monsoons.Sighthounds hate to get wet, at least mine does :wink: Regards, Yaj.
                            • check you pm :wink:
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