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Caucasian in Dog World

It's a very good article.Well done.I think it explaines the temperment of the typical CO very well. Nice job Dog World. A few more like that and I may actually re-subscribe :D
Replies (18)
    • The Caucasian Ovcharka, is featured in the new Issue of Dog World.
      • What is that mean?
        • Dog World magazine is sold, in the US. And I believe in other languages, outside the US. Every month, in the magazine there is an article on Rare Breeds. This months issue , feature the CO. Usually its not publisheed online. You have to buy it, on a newstand. Or subscribe to it. If you find a copy. The Rare Breed articles in the magazine are usually written pretty well. Although not with the in-depth history. That one might find on this site. But it is a nice way for people to intruduced to Rare Breeds.
          • It's a very good article.Well done.I think it explaines the temperment of the typical CO very well. Nice job Dog World. A few more like that and I may actually re-subscribe :D
              • An otherwise well written article that turns out to be nothing more than and ad for some USA breeders. The CO was also in another issue of Dog World.. I think Sep 2002 issue. The current article by Alice Bixler is more detailed and is a good read. The pictures in the article depicts a standard coloration of the two dogs which does not adequately represent the varied colors of the CO and could lead readers to incorrectly assume that all the dogs should look like those two. The Last sentence can be quite misleading. [blockquote]Surprisingly versatile, the Caucasian Ovcharka can be anything from a wolf's worst nightmare to a gentle teddy bear brightening days for elderly folks in nursing homes.[/blockquote] People who are looking for a gentle teddy bear could be in for a nasty surprise if their expectations are swayed by the above statement. Yes some CO can be trained for brightening days in a nursing homes but don't assume that it is a naturall state.
                • The member who posted this text was banned - and the post is depricated.
                  • [quote="Dog World"]the Caucasian Ovcharka can be [..] a gentle teddy bear brightening days for elderly folks in nursing homes.[/quote]Oh, with this quote you made my day, Gary!! :lol: :lol: I laughed so much that I almost choked. The sheer thought brought tears to my eyes. Too funny! Dan
                    • The member who posted this text was banned - and the post is depricated.
                      • I thought the article was poorly researched. The author had contact names from different clubs, but she only interviewed one, published inflated and untrue membership information as well as gave credits to this club for something they do not do - like rescue and organizing shows with foreign judges invited (or any shows for that matter). What most concerning to me that once more false information is published about 80% COs in Russia being mixed with other breeds and that this is a normal practice for "well meaning folks". The source of this "insightful information" is listed as Elena Kuznetsova - russian judge. Hate to tellya - there is no such person in Russia anywhere. I spoke to many breeders and RKF club administration - they are all laughing at this. I however do not find this funny at all. As for the dogs illustrating the article - they were my only two males that had any kind of coat left in the middle of July when the pictures were taken. And the pictures chosen not even the best taken. Here is complete photosession http://www.mattallisonphotography.com/2006Portraits/Temp/index.htm Had I known that my dogs will be illustrating this article, I would have never agreed to take these. Anyway, I personally will write a letter to the editor about lack of research which this staff writer is famous for. She did exactly the same with May issue article on alapaha blue bulldogs. Cheers, Yelena.
                        • Thanks for the posts! :) Iam trying to learn as much as I can about the Breed.
                          • Thanks Yelena. :D
                            • [quote=gsicard]Thanks Yelena. :D[/quote] You are welcome, but what for? :D
                              • Compared to a National Geographic special that depicted the breed as vicious man killers, I feel the DW article painting the breed in a positive light is a welcome change. It is up to breeders to do the majority of education of buyers any way. Good PR is just that, good PR. A breed (any breed) cannot get enough good PR these days.
                                • But if they don't do proper research and investigation into the subject, it doesn't matter how well written the article is. It's still misleading and limiting in it's resources and information which, in my opinion, isn't very good PR. I do agree that breeders should take initiative to do a majority of truthfully informing potential buyers to both the pros AND cons of the breed as far as health, temperament, etc.
                                  • ...
                                    • [quote=Eyes Of Fire] Sad fact of the matter is, a lot of breeders won't. A lot of breeders will be happy there are more buyers and won't tell them everything... they'll parrot what the article said or what gets the puppies sold. The more popular they get, the worse it will get until we are seeing them in shelters and on banned breeds lists. You know there's a City in Iowa that already has CO's banned BY NAME?! (They have about 100 breeds banned though...)[/quote] I agree with this. Yes a good breeder will be particularily certain that a buyer knows everything they need to, but also, breeders have an agenda. Especially if they are breeding regularly, for more than breed betterment. I believe it is up to the buyer to invest in as much information about the breed they are interested in as possible. Not just contacting one breeder, but finding many resources of information as possible, preferably non biased, and several different points of view. Unfortunately, many skip this or, just focus on the most popular ideas, like the one in this magazine. So what do we do then? It seems like a vicious catch 22. I know MD needs to be bigger! lol. ;)
                                      • [quote=Igmuska] So what do we do then? It seems like a vicious catch 22. I know MD needs to be bigger! lol. ;)[/quote] oh no.. MD is getting bigger already. :D
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