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Great Bernese

All i gotsta say is PREACH! Gary summed it up very nicely.
Replies (17)
    • Hi all, is anyone familiar or heard of what is being called a Great Bernese? They are half Berner and half Pyrenees and are absolutely stunning looking. There is a US breeder in Missouri selling them and they seem to be what my family is looking for. According to the breeder in 13 litters over 7-8 years no owners of her dogs have reported any health issues which is my main concern considering the health issue associated with the current Berners. We love the personality of both of the 2 breeds and together, they may be even better. Is there any reason you would recommend against pursuing one? What is your opinion of "hybrid vigor"? Just wanted to get some of your opinions on the hybrid. Thanks in advance. Kenny O.
      • Sounds good - but I find it difficult to believe that there are no health issues. ALL the large breeds have some issues. The Berners have issues and the Pyrs have issues so why should the mixing of the two be free of issues. Does not make logical sense. Hybrid vigor - over rated. It is not the hybrid but rather the parent stock which determines the vigor of the offspring. Garbage in Garbage out. Instead of being concerned with the pups - you should be checking out the history of the parents since that is where the source of any problems will be stored. Good luck.
        • All i gotsta say is PREACH! Gary summed it up very nicely.
          • I know for myself one health problem I'd definitely worried about is bloat. and gary gave you excellent advice
            • Well, we bit the bullit abd went for it. SHe is a pretty good dog so far, been a long time since we had a puppy, so almost a relearning experience! SHows a bit of bot personalities of the breeds, LOVES being outside and walking the fence line but also loves being with the family. Here is a picture of her enjoying the snow last month, probably 10 pounds heavier already though![br][link={e_FILE}public/1268667985_1518_FT70511_dsc_0643.jpg][img:width=500&height=336]{e_FILE}public/1268667985_1518_FT70511_dsc_0643_.jpg">[/link][br]
              • That is a nice looking pup. Please fill up the gallery with photos so we can all have a better look and appreciation as she grows. Good luck and thank for the update.
                • [quote1268689407=kennyo] According to the breeder ~ no owners of her dogs have reported any health issues... [/quote1268689407] While there are honest breeders in the world, it only make sense to assume that a breeder wouldn't admit to a potential customer about any health problems in the pups they've produced, let alone a customer that mentions health as a main concern. Also, the lack of health problems, were they simply not reported to the breeder? What kinds of tests have been done? I know there are databases that compile and catalog different scores for health tests by breed. I might be wrong but I haven't seen any that also list the health test ratings of mutts and crossbred dogs. Just my $0.02.
                  • any new photos?
                    • I should have some new photos soon, just need to get them off of the camera. I'm sure the normal large breed health issues are still issues with the cross and some of the parent breed issues also. Since it's technically not a breed, I'm sure there is no tracking of any issues. I did however feel very comfortable with the breeder and we even got a check up call from her the other day to see how we and Sasha were doing.
                      • Here are a couple more pics of Sasha taken on Easter. She's 4+ months old in the pictures. [br][link={e_FILE}public/1272080035_1518_FT70511_dsc_0787e.jpg][img:width=500&height=291]{e_FILE}public/1272080035_1518_FT70511_dsc_0787e_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1272080035_1518_FT70511_dsc_0807e.jpg][img:width=500&height=335]{e_FILE}public/1272080035_1518_FT70511_dsc_0807e_.jpg">[/link][br]
                        • That is one adorable puppy, and I very rarely can bring myself to use that word.
                          • Here is Sasha at 9 months old. Just about 100 pounds now.[br][link={e_FILE}public/1285109734_1518_FT70511_dsc_0097.jpg][img:width=500&height=336]{e_FILE}public/1285109734_1518_FT70511_dsc_0097_.jpg">[/link][br][br][link={e_FILE}public/1285109734_1518_FT70511_dsc_0033.jpg][img:width=500&height=336]{e_FILE}public/1285109734_1518_FT70511_dsc_0033_.jpg">[/link][br]
                            • she's a pretty girl (and I have to admit, I first read your signature and thought "I didn't know Wayne Gretzky passed on?" Sorry for your loss)
                              • Image


                                Just wanted to add an updated picture of my girl.. She's almost 3 years old and between 108 and 112 pound and as sweet as can be.

                                • Hi,


                                  I was wondering how her character is, is she a good guard?


                                  Just wondering because you said she is very sweet.


                                  Can you tell us more about her?

                                  • Let's see, how do I describe her.  First she is a family pet, not a guardian or anything, but she is naturally very protective of the kids and the yard.  She does not like it when the deer get too close to her fence and will bark them off.  She will also bark at strangers in the neighbors yards, doesn't even pay attention though when it is the neighbors that she knows.  In the house, she is pretty mellow.  Gentle with the kids except for being big and clumsy and if my wife or I are roughhousing with the kids, she tries to protect them from us.  When out on our walks, she thinks that everyone in the world is only here to pet her and wants to be everyones friend and is submissive to other dogs in the neighborhood.  She is a great family pet!

                                    • Thank you Smile

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