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Howling Neos

Oh, the howling thing happens a lot I think. :-d My male Tosa is extremely quiet all the time, but even he's broken out into howling at heat time. The first time I heard it, was coming back from a walk with just my female. I had to stop and look around, didn't believe it was coming from inside my house! He shuts up once I'm in the house though.
Replies (6)
    • How many breeders find that the male neapolitan spends a few days howling when a female comes on heat. My male doesnt howl at the moon but always howls at night none stop when the time is right. Luckily we are acreage but dont think the neighbours down in the valley think so? :-|
      • Never heard about howling but pacing whining grunting yes the howl would be like whining they know the female is close.
        • Our males will howl at night when the girls are "right on." The experienced males make little noise, but do a lot more markinng and sniffing. What is interesting though is every morning almost exactly one hour before sunrise the whole lot (males and females) have a song for about 5 minutes. One starts and the others join in one by one. Each has a unique howl and it is funny listening to young puppies learn to do so. We have never been able to work out why they do this = but the sound certainly carries a long way - especially on frosty winte mornings. Nancy Keck
          • ive never heard any of our mastiffs howl....different barks for different occasions...but no howling.... the barking when the pack finds a dead mate, is the eeriest...and one you wont soon forget
            • Eragon is a Howler...Doesn't do it much But boy when he does...You hear it! Although for him its the Tornado sirens that get him every time! First Saturday of every month =O)
              • Oh, the howling thing happens a lot I think. :-d My male Tosa is extremely quiet all the time, but even he's broken out into howling at heat time. The first time I heard it, was coming back from a walk with just my female. I had to stop and look around, didn't believe it was coming from inside my house! He shuts up once I'm in the house though.
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