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IWPA pulls I went to the last 2 weeks

Replies (8)
    • I took Conan to the Gloucester VA pull on Jan 12 & 13 In his weight catagory (125) he pulled against American Bulldog Alaskan Malamute Saint Bernard IWPA pulls I went to the last 2 weeks Conan pulled Saturday 1180 lbs (first pulled ever outside) Sunday 1480 lbs Then I took Conan to Waynesboro VA pull on Jan 17 & 18 In his weight catagory (125) he pulled against Alaskan Malamute (3 of them) Thursday 1900 lbs and pulling most weight pulled Friday 2500 lbs and beating out a pit bull named Juice (he pulled 2400) So once again most weight pulled I will have photos soon as I am waiting for the club in Waynesboro to send me them. :D Thanks for reading Deb
      • Sweet.
        • [quote="Wolf"]Sweet.[/quote] Hey Al Thanks. Are you planning on going to Premier again?
          • Well Done Conan! Look forward to more pics Deb :wink:
            • Congrats to Conan! Richard :D
              • [quote="geisthexe"][quote="Wolf"]Sweet.[/quote] Hey Al Thanks. Are you planning on going to Premier again?[/quote] Not sure, life's been a bit busy for me lately and I'll have tons of stuff on my plate in the next few weeks, so I can't really make any plans. Would love to see you and the rest of the gang again, though. We'll see, maybe I make it.
                • [quote="Wolf"][quote="geisthexe"][quote="Wolf"]Sweet.[/quote] Hey Al Thanks. Are you planning on going to Premier again?[/quote] Not sure, life's been a bit busy for me lately and I'll have tons of stuff on my plate in the next few weeks, so I can't really make any plans. Would love to see you and the rest of the gang again, though. We'll see, maybe I make it.[/quote] I truly hope you get to make it .. I need to kick your butt at throwing paper at each other in the rest. dammit :D IT will be great to see you again .. Deb
                  • Wanted to share some pics of MGK dogs doing what they do best at the IWPA Nationals at the Denver National Western Stock (biggest in the US) show weekend before last. The MGK dogs beat out the competition, the 100+lbs class was 1st and 2nd place MGK dogs. Biggest competitors were a Boerboel, DDB, English Mastiff, Rottie, and some arctic breeds. Sorry I only have pics of MGK dogs and the E. Mastiff cause I had only 1 roll of film. But hey enjoy the pics anyway!
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