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Looking for a Great CO Puppy?

I will be traveling to Eastern Europe to pickup a CO puppy in the next few weeks and can bring one back for any serious interested buyer.  If you are seriously interested in obtaining a high quality Caucasian Ovcharka please contact me immediately.  Serious inquiries only. Photos available.


Replies (7)
    • I will be traveling to Eastern Europe to pickup a CO puppy in the next few weeks and can bring one back for any serious interested buyer.  If you are seriously interested in obtaining a high quality Caucasian Ovcharka please contact me immediately.  Serious inquiries only. Photos available.


      • Hi Gary, did you get your CO? Can you tell us which breeder/lines? Good luck any way.


      • How much would a puppy co cost till Pakistan?


          Hi Gary, did you get your CO?

           Sure did Hugo. He is a year old now.  From great lines.  Photos are on here.. he is from Ruskiizvor Kennel.


            How much would a puppy co cost till Pakistan?

            Difficult to say . would depend on the breeder and the distance and shipping cost to Pakistan.  You want to look in Italy..You could spend $2000 to $4000 for a good put to Pakistan. 

            • Closing this topic

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