more pics of my puppy
Congratulation for your dog, looks very nice pup. Keep posting more pictures when he grow. .
- · bright
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@ 2 months!looking at the camera with a tilted head!
posing for the camera! he is 11 kilos and 15 inches at 2 months of age! he is full of energy.. very lively and very fast for his type! and very agile too!
- · bright
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[quote=soldiermonkey]Neat pup! 11 kilo's at 2 months is pretty heavy, what do you think his adult weight will be?[/quote]our female puppy was 16 kilos when she was 2 months old! he could go upwards of 60 - 65 kilos.. we'll see.. -
- · Carlos1122
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Very nice looking pup don't worry about weight keep him lean for his own good his hips and joints will appreciate it. His natural adult height and weight will not change regarless of how much you feed. -
- · bright
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- · bright
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these pics were taken in summer! sorry for the low quality pics.. i forgot to tell his size! i dunno about his weight for sure.. he was around 15 - 16 when he was exactly 3 months old! and about the height, when i measured him once, it would read 19.5 and the next time it would read 20.5.. i repeated this several times and i'd say that he is around 20" the problem is he doesn't stand stiff n straight till i measure him.. he is very playful! i think he can easily cross 28"
- · bright
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thx (i thought that i had replied to not only this post, but many others earlier .. i had used quick reply as i always use that. sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn;t..) -
- · Hugo
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Really nice pup Bright, don't let him weigh to much at the begining, take care about his joints. Looks terrific mate. hugo -
- · bright
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[quote1242143458=Hugo] Really nice pup Bright, don't let him weigh to much at the begining, take care about his joints. Looks terrific mate. hugo [/quote1242143458] thanks for the comments.. it is too hard to measure him or to take his pic! because he won't stand in one place.. he'll be moving all around! and yes.. i won't make him heavy now.. i know that he'd be over 60 - 65+ kilos when he grows up! (as heavy as me!) he is always happy and cheerful! and he is very playful around other dogs.. but if they are belligerent, he wishes to resolve it by a fight.. when he was a 2-3 months old puppy, when a greater swiss mt dog pulled its owner towards my puppy by growling and barking (the owner, who knew me well wanted to see my new puppy.. so he came towards me) my puppy just stood straight and started barking at the end of the leash and was pulling even more vigorously.. he scared away even the swiss mt dog! when my puppy ran towards it, swiss mt dog ran behind his master (swiss mt dog was not afraid.. he just didn't want to take on a small puppy.. hahahaha he is a gentle dog.. he had a serious look and his tail was held up as usual and he was a little tensed) and he loves the stray dogs near my house.. when i take him for walks, they also accompany him.. he'll jump on them and play with them.. they won;t mind that.. they'll also play with him.. they are very tolerant too! he is already as tall as the stray dogs now! and they protect him very well! he watches over his house very well! when a stranger comes in, he'll bark and chase them away! but once when he is out, he'll be the most eager dog to meet new people! he rigorously wag his tail and smile at them, folding his ears back, asking for attention.. i feel jealous that when i, his master is standing with him, he seeks for someone else's attention as if they were his friends and had not met each other since a long time! he behaves like how he does when he greets me when i come back home after a couple of days! he seeks each and everyone's attention! thats why at least 2-3 people pat him and play with him when i take him out! even in his territory, he barks at people.. but when the make friendly gestures, he'll greet them too! what an innocent little puppy! hahahaha he has a cool temperament unlike his girl friend (female HM).. he has an intense personality.. he is intensely sweet when he plays and sleeps on my thighs! he shows intense expression no matter where he is! i should thank my beloved friend through whom i happened to get him! i have decided to gift his first puppy to my friend who helped me get him! -
- · unknown
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Congratulation for your dog, looks very nice pup. Keep posting more pictures when he grow. . -
- · unknown
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very cute pup! how are your other dogs getting along with him? -
- · bright
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well, my dobermann passed away few days after teddy came to my home.. and my gsd is getting along well with this puppy! but teddy is too playful! he is not aggressive to other dogs.. but he is showing great watchdog skills! ( he has still not shown the will to use force when opponents defy his vocal warning!)thanks for your compliments and gsd n my puppy are getting along well! my puppy irritates my gsd sometimes.. he'll keep on pawing his face n chewing his tail! when my gsd growls to warn him (he'll only growl n move away.. he never bites), my puppy backs off and bark n hop and forget about that after a few seconds.. if he shows less dog aggression and dominance issues as a adult, i am thinking of deciding to go for a bulli kutta male! but HMs are known to be very soft as puppies are very tough and dominant as adults!